unknown or not specified
unknown |
359 |
18 Squadron Royal Air Force Gutersloh
airliner |
1 |
185° Gruppo Artiglieria Paracadutisti "Viterbo"
airliner |
1 |
1er Régiment d'Hélicopteres de Combat
airliner |
8 |
2. Hubschrauberstaffel Aigen
airliner |
1 |
22. základna vrtulníkového letectva (Czech Air Force, Czech Army) https://lznamest.army.cz |
airliner |
1 |
221. vrtulníková letka (Czech Air Force, Czech Army) https://lznamest.army.cz/o-nas/organizacni-struktura/221 |
unknown |
3 |
24. základna dopravního letectva (Czech Air Force, Czech Army)
airliner |
1 |
24PRINT.cz (printing company) http://www.24print.cz |
publisher |
4 |
299 Squadron
airliner |
1 |
2° Nucleo Elicotteri Carabinieri
airliner |
1 |
33. základna vrtulníkového letectva Edvarda Beneše, Přerov (Czech Air Force, Czech Army)(unofficial)
unknown |
1 |
331. vrtulníková letka Přerov (Czech Army)(331. Tiger Squadron)(unofficial)
unknown |
2 |
332. vrtulníková letka Přerov (Czech Army) (unofficial)
airliner |
2 |
4 Raggruppamento ALE "ALTAIR"
airliner |
2 |
41 Baza Lotnictwa Szkolnego w Deblinie
airliner |
3 |
5° Reggimento Aviazione Dell'Esercito "RIGEL"
airliner |
5 |
6. základna dopravního letectva (Czech Air Force, Czech Army)
airliner |
1 |
airliner |
3 |
8 Wing Imaging
airliner |
1 |
A Cura Di Statesercito Documentazione E PR
airliner |
2 |
A df Postcard
publisher |
1 |
A Mavis Pudding Picturecard
publisher |
3 |
A Metrocraft Florachrome
publisher |
1 |
A TK OY TRE (???)
publisher |
1 |
A Traveltime Product, Majestic Post Card
publisher |
1 |
A. Carré
publisher |
3 |
A. H. Barkway
publisher |
1 |
A. Perren-Barberini, Zermatt
publisher |
1 |
A. van Mieghem
publisher |
4 |
publisher |
1 |
A.R.W. - Pan Dragon
publisher |
1 |
A.V.S. Hubschrauberdienst GmbH
airliner |
1 |
Abacus (Colour Printers) Ltd., Cumbria
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
2 |
Abeille-Cartes - Editions Lyna-Paris
publisher |
16 |
publisher |
7 |
Acacia Card
publisher |
1 |
ACE Training Centre / TOLL http://www.acetrainingcentre.com.au |
airliner |
4 |
ACHT - ART' Images
publisher |
1 |
Actual Photo Co.
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
19 |
AdColor, Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Adlin Aviation Collectables https://www.aviationshop.ca |
publisher |
4 |
ado (Cado?)
publisher |
1 |
Advertising Pencil Co.
publisher |
1 |
Aerial Photo Adv.
publisher |
1 |
Aerial Photography Services, Inc.
publisher |
8 |
Aero Asahi
airliner |
17 |
Aero Postcard Sales
publisher |
39 |
Aero Service Corp.
publisher |
1 |
Aero Vodochody http://www.aero.cz |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
12 |
Aero-Photo, France
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
5 |
Aero-Views Postcards
publisher |
10 |
Aerodrom Ljubljana (airport Ljubljana)
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
59 |
Aeromega Helicopters http://www.aeromega.co.uk |
airliner |
6 |
Aeronautica Militare
airliner |
5 |
Aeronautical Accessories, Inc. http://www.aero-access.com |
airliner |
5 |
publisher |
5 |
AeroScript http://www.aeroscript.be |
publisher |
1 |
Aerosfera http://www.aerosfera.ru |
publisher |
18 |
airliner |
40 |
Aerospatiale Matra
airliner |
1 |
Aeroteam, Czech Republic http://www.aeroteam.cz |
publisher |
4 |
Aerotechnik GmbH http://www.aerotechnik.at |
airliner |
1 |
After the Battle
publisher |
26 |
Agentura Impuls http://www.jeseniky-praded.cz |
publisher |
1 |
Agfa (RPPC)
publisher |
10 |
publisher |
5 |
publisher |
1 |
Agnesotti (printer company)
publisher |
5 |
Agrar Flug
airliner |
2 |
Agusta (Gruppo Agusta) http://www.agusta.it |
airliner |
10 |
Aile B. Edition par Image et Graphique http://www.aile-b.com |
publisher |
1 |
Air & Cosmos
publisher |
4 |
AIR - TRANSPORT EUROPE (ATE) http://www.ate.sk |
airliner |
11 |
Air Affaires International
airliner |
1 |
Air Bali http://www.airbali.com |
airliner |
2 |
Air Classik GMBH
airliner |
1 |
Air Dynamic SA http://www.air-dynamic.ch |
airliner |
1 |
Air Engiadina AG http://www.air-engiadina.ch |
airliner |
2 |
Air Force Global Strike Command
airliner |
1 |
Air Force Museum of New Zealand https://www.airforcemuseum.co.nz |
unknown |
2 |
Air Force Reserve
airliner |
1 |
Air Gabon
airliner |
1 |
Air Glaciers http://www.air-glaciers.ch |
airliner |
19 |
Air Greenland http://www.airgreenland.com |
airliner |
1 |
Air Grischa http://www.airgrischa.ch |
airliner |
12 |
Air Kauai
airliner |
3 |
Air Maui http://www.airmaui.com |
airliner |
3 |
Air Mauritius http://www.airmauritius.com |
airliner |
2 |
Air Medical Resource Group https://www.amrg.com |
airliner |
1 |
Air One Aerial Photography
airliner |
1 |
Air Orlando Helicopter
airliner |
1 |
Air Park Zruč u Plzně http://www.airpark.wz.cz |
publisher |
10 |
Air Power International / Enterprise Aviation Publishing
airliner |
4 |
Air Reunion International
airliner |
4 |
Air Safaris http://www.airsafaris.co.nz |
airliner |
1 |
Air Service Berlin CFH GmbH http://www.air-service-berlin.de |
airliner |
2 |
Air Zermatt http://www.air-zermatt.ch |
airliner |
29 |
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
3 |
Airbus Deutschland GmbH
airliner |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
AirLife - Health One Cares http://www.healthonecares.com |
airliner |
1 |
Airlift AS http://www.airlift.no |
airliner |
1 |
Airlift Service GmbH
airliner |
1 |
Aironautica - Aviation Series Post Card
publisher |
1 |
Airport Helicopter
airliner |
1 |
Airport promotion Antwerp
publisher |
1 |
Airstar Helicopters http://www.airstar.com |
airliner |
2 |
Aiut Alpin Dolomites (Mountain rescue in the Dolomites, voluntary association) https://www.aiut-alpin-dolomites.com/ |
airliner |
1 |
AJ Hackett https://www.bungy.co.nz |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Alaska Heritage Club http://www.walesalaska.com |
publisher |
1 |
Albergo Naani
publisher |
1 |
Albergo Rifugio Vezzena
publisher |
2 |
Albert Normandin Photography Inc. http://www.albertnormandin.com |
airliner |
1 |
ALBI http://www.albi.cz |
publisher |
1 |
Alex Wilson publications
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
3 |
Ali Card Collection (Pakistan)
publisher |
30 |
Allan Wright / SNAP GRAFIX
publisher |
1 |
Alliance National Bank
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
3 |
publisher |
3 |
AlpinCopter http://www.alpincopter.com |
airliner |
4 |
Alpine Air Alaska http://www.alpineairalaska.com |
airliner |
1 |
Alpine Helicopters http://www.alpinehelicopter.com |
airliner |
5 |
Alpine Helicopters, NZ
airliner |
3 |
Alpines Museum der Schweiz, Bern / Swiss Alpine Museum https://www.alpinesmuseum.ch |
publisher |
1 |
Alterocca (printer company)
publisher |
23 |
Altitude Publishing
publisher |
1 |
Alyeska Helicopters http://www.alyeskahelicopters.com |
airliner |
1 |
AMAZINGMAIL, Inc. http://www.amazingmail.com |
publisher |
1 |
American Aviation Publications, Inc.
publisher |
2 |
American Helicopter Museum & Educational Center http://www.americanhelicopter.museum |
unknown |
18 |
American Heroes Air Show http://www.heroes-airshow.com |
publisher |
3 |
American Image Photographers
publisher |
2 |
American Post Card Co.
publisher |
1 |
Amicale Philatélique
publisher |
1 |
Amuri Helicopters Ltd.
airliner |
1 |
AN press (Coleçao ArteNatura)
publisher |
3 |
ANA - All Nippon Airways
airliner |
1 |
Anc. Impr. Is. Mertens
publisher |
1 |
Angola Comite
publisher |
1 |
Ankara Cad.
publisher |
2 |
Antarctica Services (United States Postal Service?)
airliner |
1 |
Antique Airplane Association of Switzerland http://www.a-a-a.ch |
publisher |
3 |
ANWB Medical Air Assistance (MAA) http://www.anwb-medical-air.nl |
airliner |
1 |
AoH Förlag (Alt om Hobby)
publisher |
4 |
AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) https://www.aopa.org |
airliner |
1 |
Appalachian Flying Service
airliner |
1 |
Apple Prints
publisher |
4 |
publisher |
1 |
APT Livigno http://www.livigno.eu |
publisher |
2 |
Arcadia Publishing http://www.arcadiapublishing.com |
publisher |
4 |
Archway Publicity
publisher |
1 |
Arctic Circle Enterprises http://www.arcticcircleenterprises.com |
publisher |
5 |
publisher |
1 |
Arght Industries Pty. Ltd. (Kamera-Card)
publisher |
1 |
ARGUS http://www.argus-cz.cz |
publisher |
6 |
ARIA-CARDS s.r.o http://www.aria-cards.cz |
publisher |
4 |
Aris Helicopters http://www.arishelicopters.com |
airliner |
2 |
Arizona Helicopter Adventures http://www.arizonahelicopteradventures.com |
airliner |
2 |
arkiv bild
publisher |
2 |
Arlanda Helicopter http://www.arlandahelicopter.se |
airliner |
1 |
Armée de l’Air
airliner |
6 |
Armée de Terre
airliner |
6 |
Arms Communications
publisher |
7 |
Armstrongs' Western Fotocolor Post Card Photographers
publisher |
3 |
Army Aviation Museum Foundation Inc. https://www.armyaviationmuseum.org/army-aviation-museum-foundation/ |
publisher |
3 |
ARPA (Agenzia Reginale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente) https://www.arpalombardia.it |
airliner |
1 |
Arrow Mill Hotel & Restaurant http://www.arrowmill.co.uk |
publisher |
2 |
Art Cards
publisher |
1 |
Artaud Fréres
publisher |
4 |
publisher |
1 |
Arthur Baur
publisher |
2 |
Arti Graf. Alinari Baglioni
publisher |
5 |
Arti Grafiche Barlocchi
publisher |
1 |
Arti Grafiche-Roma
publisher |
1 |
Artigrafiche L.C.L. - Busca
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
ASA 2000 (Associazione Storia Aeronautica)
publisher |
2 |
Asahi Card
publisher |
1 |
Asahi Trading Co.
publisher |
1 |
ASCO vydavatelství spol. s r.o.
publisher |
1 |
ASD-Konversult http://www.konversult.ru |
publisher |
8 |
publisher |
1 |
Asia-Pacific Color Productions Ltd.
publisher |
16 |
Asociatia Filatelistilor din Brasov
publisher |
2 |
Associated Printers, Orlando, Florida
publisher |
1 |
Associazione "Gente del Quindicesimo" http://www.gentedelquindicesimo.it |
publisher |
1 |
Associazione Arma Aeronautica / Associazione Nazionale Arma Aeronautica (AAA)
publisher |
2 |
Associazione Filatelica Numismatica Bolognese (AFNB) http://www.afnb.it |
publisher |
2 |
Associazione Nazionale Alpini (ANA, National Alpini Association ) http://www.ana.it |
airliner |
1 |
Associazione Nazionale Marinai d'Italia
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Athena International
publisher |
2 |
Atlantic Airways
airliner |
1 |
Atlantic Fleet Sales http://www.atlanticfleetsales.com |
publisher |
68 |
Aurora Borealis
publisher |
1 |
Auscape Prints
publisher |
2 |
Auslegse-Bild-Verlag - Bad Salzungen
publisher |
1 |
Austin Jet Avionics
airliner |
1 |
Austin Jet Corporation
airliner |
1 |
Austin Jet International
airliner |
5 |
Australia.com http://www.australia.com |
publisher |
1 |
Australian Aviation Heritage Centre http://www.darwinsairwar.com.au |
publisher |
2 |
Australian Customs Service / Coastwatch
airliner |
3 |
Australian Defence Forces
airliner |
1 |
Australian Maximum Cards
publisher |
1 |
Australian Naval Aviation Museum
publisher |
5 |
Australian War Memorial
publisher |
3 |
Austrian Military Radio Society http://www.amrs.at |
publisher |
1 |
Auteursrecht "Photex", Amsterdam
publisher |
2 |
AvantCard http://www.avantcard.com.au |
publisher |
1 |
Avery Postcards http://www.averyphoto.com |
publisher |
2 |
Avia-foto (Luxe-aviafoto)
publisher |
3 |
airliner |
18 |
airliner |
1 |
AVIAKON (Konotop Aircraft Repair Plant, Ukraina) http://www.aviakon.com |
airliner |
2 |
Aviamarket, Russia http://www.vertolet.ru |
airliner |
3 |
publisher |
1 |
Aviation Museum Plovdiv, Bulgaria / Muzei na aviacijata Plovdiv
publisher |
7 |
Aviation Museum Zhulany Ukraine http://aviamuseum.com.ua |
publisher |
2 |
Aviation Treasures, Texas, USA
publisher |
3 |
Aviation Week & Space Technology (magazine)
publisher |
1 |
Aviation World, Inc.
publisher |
1 |
AviationCards.com http://www.aviationcards.com |
publisher |
2 |
Aviationpicture Luftfahrt-Bildservice Roland Oster http://www.aviationpicture.de |
publisher |
2 |
Aviazione Esercito (Italian Army Aviation)
airliner |
5 |
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
Azmat Sheikh
publisher |
3 |
Azur Helicoptere http://www.azurhelico.com |
airliner |
1 |
Azurcolor Editions
publisher |
1 |
B. K. E. Woods & Co., Baltimore, Maryland
publisher |
1 |
Bagutti-Sport, Martigny / Champex
publisher |
1 |
Bailo http://www.bailo.com |
publisher |
1 |
Bajan Helicopters http://www.bajanhelicopters.com |
airliner |
4 |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
Bamforth & Co.
publisher |
3 |
Banksia Images Pty Ltd
publisher |
3 |
Baptist LifeFlight
airliner |
1 |
Barker Souvenirs
publisher |
1 |
Barossa Helicopters http://www.barossahelicopters.com.au |
airliner |
3 |
Bataillon Für Operative Information 950
publisher |
14 |
Battman Studios, New York
publisher |
1 |
Bauer Helicopters, Inc.
airliner |
1 |
Baxter Lane Postcard Co.
publisher |
7 |
BB Heli http://www.bbheli.ch |
airliner |
4 |
BB/art / Dandy Club
publisher |
1 |
Becker Helicopters Pty Ltd http://www.beckerhelicopters.com |
airliner |
2 |
Beijing Post Office, People's Republic of China
publisher |
1 |
Beijing Postal Administration Bureau (China)
publisher |
2 |
Belgian Air Force
airliner |
1 |
Belgium Ministry of Defence http://www.mil.be |
airliner |
10 |
Bell (Bell Helicopter Textron, Bell Aircraft, ...) http://www.bellhelicopter.com |
airliner |
17 |
Bell II Lodge
airliner |
1 |
Belle Image
publisher |
1 |
Bellevue Color Views
publisher |
1 |
Belpochta http://www.belpost.by |
publisher |
4 |
Benbow Helicopter
airliner |
1 |
Beric Tempest & Co. Ltd.
publisher |
18 |
Berliner Flughafen Gesellschaft mbH
airliner |
1 |
Berliner Spezialflug Hubschrauber Dienste GmbH
airliner |
7 |
Bernard Kuskopf, Woombye,Queensland, Australia
publisher |
1 |
Bernard Leroy (Design Bernard Leroy)
publisher |
2 |
Bernhard T.T.S. Tauchreisen
publisher |
1 |
Best of British Series
publisher |
1 |
Bevere Vivis Gallery Prints, Bevere Lane, Worcester
publisher |
1 |
BHF Bodensee Helicopter GmbH http://www.bodensee-helicopter.de |
airliner |
1 |
BHS Helicopterservice GmbH http://www.bhs-helicopterservice.com |
airliner |
2 |
Bicentennial Naval Salute
airliner |
4 |
Bickley Manor (Hotel & Restaurant)
publisher |
1 |
Bild und Heimat
publisher |
19 |
Bild-Druck & Verlag HmbH, Lübeck (West Germany)
publisher |
1 |
Bildverlag Arthur L. Traut
publisher |
1 |
Bingqi Shijie
publisher |
2 |
BIRI Publications B.V. http://www.biri.nl |
publisher |
1 |
Biuro wydawnicze "Ruch"
publisher |
2 |
Blackcomb Helicopters http://www.blackcombhelicopters.com |
airliner |
1 |
Blackner Card & Souvenir, Inc.
publisher |
2 |
Blades Helicopters Ltd.
airliner |
2 |
Blom Aerofilms http://www.blomasa.com/ |
airliner |
1 |
Blue Eagles - Army Air Corps http://www.blue-eagles.co.uk |
airliner |
1 |
Blue Hawaiian Helicopters http://www.bluehawaiian.com |
airliner |
36 |
Blue Planet Images http://www.blueplanetimages.com |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
31 |
bnm Genova
publisher |
2 |
Bob Graham Photography & Postcard Publishers http://www.bobgrahamphotography.com |
publisher |
33 |
Boeing (Boeing Vertol)
airliner |
34 |
Boek - en Kantoorboekhandel van Eindhoven
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
8 |
Bon Air Motel Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
Bond Aviation Group http://www.bondaviationgroup.com |
airliner |
4 |
Bonera s.r.o. http://www.bonera.cz |
publisher |
1 |
Booklines Hawaii, a division of The Islander Group https://www.booklineshawaii.com |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
6 |
Boomerang Freecards (CZ)
publisher |
2 |
Boomerang Media
publisher |
11 |
Bormio Eliski
publisher |
1 |
Borsa Filatelica Nazionale, Milano
publisher |
2 |
Boundary Layer Research, Inc. (BLR) http://www.blrvgs.com |
airliner |
2 |
Bower Helicopter Inc.
airliner |
1 |
Boytcho Hadshiyski, Bulgaria
publisher |
1 |
BP Photography amd Exhibitions Unit
publisher |
1 |
Braathens Helikopter A/S
airliner |
1 |
Brantly Operators, Inc.
airliner |
1 |
Bravo Helicopters & Wing
airliner |
1 |
Bridge House
publisher |
1 |
Brigata Alpina Taurinense (Taurinense mountain brigade)
airliner |
2 |
Bristol Aerospace Limited, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
unknown |
4 |
British Airways Helicopters
airliner |
4 |
British Antarctic Survey http://www.antarctica.ac.uk |
airliner |
1 |
British International Helicopters http://www.scillyhelicopter.co.uk |
airliner |
4 |
British Rotorcraft Museum
publisher |
1 |
Broadcast & Surveillance Systems Ltd.
airliner |
6 |
Broadgate Printers, Aldborough
publisher |
1 |
Bromley & Company, Inc.
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
10 |
publisher |
2 |
Browns Beach Hotel
publisher |
1 |
Bruce’s Custom Covers
publisher |
8 |
publisher |
2 |
Bruno Allaix
publisher |
1 |
Bryson & Mock, Inc.
publisher |
18 |
Bucher & Co. (BUCHairCARD)
publisher |
70 |
Bulphila Ltd.
publisher |
6 |
Bundesgrenzschutz (German Border Police) http://www.bundesgrenzschutz.de |
airliner |
6 |
Bundesheer http://www.bundesheer.at |
airliner |
20 |
Bundespolizei http://www.bundespolizei.de |
airliner |
19 |
Bundespolizeigewerkschaft (BGV) RV Nord
airliner |
1 |
airliner |
22 |
Burman Aviation (Charter) Ltd.
airliner |
1 |
Burntwood Youths
unknown |
1 |
Business Aircraft Leasing Inc. http://www.baliaircraft.com |
airliner |
1 |
BwZK / Bundeswehrzentralkrankenhaus Koblenz
publisher |
1 |
C. P. Johnston Company
publisher |
1 |
C.F.I.N.P. (Circolo Filatelico Iconografico Numismatico Pisano)
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Cadillac (car company)
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Café Select http://www.cafeselectnyc.com |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
Calypso Distributors Ltd., Nassau, Bahamas
publisher |
1 |
Cameo Greeting Cards, Inc.
publisher |
4 |
Campkins of Cambridge
publisher |
1 |
Canada Aviation and Space Museum / Musée de l'aviation et de l'espace du Canada
publisher |
2 |
Canada Aviation Museum
publisher |
1 |
Canada Post / Posets Canada http://www.canadapost.ca |
publisher |
1 |
Canadian Armed Forces
publisher |
5 |
Canadian Coast Guard
airliner |
2 |
Canadian Mountain Holidays (CMH) http://www.cmhski.com |
airliner |
13 |
Canadian Souvenir Sales Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
Cannon Aviation Group, Inc. http://www.rotorsales.com |
airliner |
1 |
Cape York Helicopters http://www.capeyorkhelicopters.com |
airliner |
1 |
Capitol Souvenir Company, Inc. (CAPSO)
publisher |
1 |
Carabinieri (Comando Generale Dell'arma Dei Carabinieri http://www.carabinieri.it |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Cardlease - Rosmalen
publisher |
2 |
Cards Unlimited Inc. http://www.cardsunltd.com |
publisher |
18 |
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
2 |
Caribbean Helicopters http://www.caribbeanhelicopters.net |
airliner |
3 |
Carl James McQuaide Aviation Postcards
publisher |
1 |
Carousel Postcard
publisher |
3 |
Carte Postale 1er Jour
publisher |
3 |
publisher |
1 |
Cartophiles Caudebecquais
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
6 |
publisher |
1 |
Casa Del Giornale
publisher |
2 |
Cascade Helicopters
airliner |
2 |
Castle Air http://www.castleair.co.uk |
airliner |
2 |
CATIC (China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation) http://www.catic.cn |
airliner |
2 |
Cavalerie museum (Museum of the Dutch Cavalry) http://www.cavaleriemuseum.nl |
publisher |
1 |
Cavalier Postcards http://www.cavalierpostcards.com |
publisher |
30 |
Cayman Islands Helicopters http://www.caymanislandshelicopters.com |
airliner |
1 |
CBS Originals
publisher |
1 |
Cekade - Cramers Kunstanstalt Kg, Dortmund
publisher |
7 |
CELAG - Centre d'Etudes et de Loisirs Aérospatiaux de Grenoble http://celag.free.fr/ |
publisher |
8 |
Centenario de la Aviación Militar Espanola
airliner |
1 |
Central Mongolia Airways Ltd. http://www.cma.mn |
airliner |
1 |
Centre de Vacances du C.E.
publisher |
2 |
Centro Aereo Internazionale "Wilbur Wright"
publisher |
1 |
Centro Informazioni Geotopografiche Aeronautiche
airliner |
1 |
Centro Offset Arma Carabinieri
airliner |
1 |
Century Litho
publisher |
10 |
Cercle Cartophile et Numismatique Mosellan ccn57@orange.fr |
publisher |
1 |
Cercul Militar Cluj-Napoca (Albania)
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
CETIN (czehćh internet provider) http://www.cetin.cz |
publisher |
1 |
CH-ARMEE-SHOP https://www.armeeshop.ch |
publisher |
8 |
Chabarovskoe krajevoje upravljenije bytobogo obsluzivanija
publisher |
1 |
Chabarovskoje kniznoje izdatelstvo
publisher |
4 |
Change Aircraft Industries Co.
airliner |
4 |
Channel 7 News, KGO-TV
airliner |
1 |
Channel Printers
publisher |
2 |
Chantry Classics
publisher |
1 |
Charles Skilton's Postcards
publisher |
22 |
Charles Tait Photographic, Kelton, Orkney
publisher |
1 |
Charleston Post Card Co. Inc.
publisher |
3 |
Charlestown Regatta
publisher |
1 |
Charlie Papa Communication
publisher |
1 |
Chateau de Thoiry
publisher |
1 |
Chevy Trucks (Chevrolet)
publisher |
1 |
Chicago Helicopter Airways
airliner |
1 |
China Aviation Industry Corporation II (AVIC II) http://www.avic2.com |
airliner |
2 |
Chopperline Flight Training http://www.chopperline.com |
airliner |
4 |
Chris Andrews Publications http://www.cap-ox.co.uk |
publisher |
1 |
Christian Commitment
publisher |
1 |
CHS Central Helicopter https://www.centralheli.ch |
airliner |
2 |
Cim - Combier Imprimeur Macon
publisher |
10 |
Circolo Filatelico Forlivese
publisher |
1 |
Cirrus Flight-Training http://www.cirrus-flighttraining.de |
airliner |
1 |
City Merchandise http://www.citymerchandise.com |
publisher |
10 |
publisher |
2 |
Civil Aircraft Postcard
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
Classico San Francisco
publisher |
18 |
Clemenshospital (Münster, Germany) http://www.clemenshospital.de |
unknown |
1 |
Cliche Branger
publisher |
1 |
Cliché Studio BAZZOLI (Monaco)
publisher |
1 |
Clinique Chirurgicale du Pré
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Club Annecien du Chien de Travail
airliner |
1 |
Club Cartophile Marignanais
publisher |
1 |
Club de Cartophiles De Midi-Pyrenees
publisher |
1 |
Clyde Helicopters
airliner |
4 |
Coastal Cards
publisher |
2 |
Coastal Helicopters http://www.coastalhelicopters.com |
airliner |
3 |
Coca-Cola Company
publisher |
1 |
COFIBA Distribuciones, S. L.
publisher |
2 |
Coleçäo Aeronaves
publisher |
13 |
Coleçäo Universal
publisher |
1 |
Coleccion PERLA
publisher |
1 |
Collection "Mémoire du Cinéma"
publisher |
1 |
Collection Ariane
publisher |
1 |
Collection Aviation-Magazine
publisher |
5 |
Collection LABO-PHOTO
publisher |
1 |
Collection Mimi Barde
publisher |
1 |
Collection Vilain
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
Collezione di Militaria
publisher |
9 |
Color A.D.
publisher |
1 |
Color Card Corp.
publisher |
1 |
Color Craft Post Cards (Dallas, Texas)
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
5 |
Colorprint A. Preda - Milano (APM)
publisher |
1 |
Colourpicture Publications, Boston
publisher |
4 |
Colourview Publications / Alto Colourview Publications http://www.postcardsnz.com |
publisher |
37 |
publisher |
2 |
Columbia Wholesale Inc.
publisher |
2 |
Columbia Wholesale Supply
publisher |
5 |
Columbus Photo Service, Inc.
publisher |
3 |
Com-Tour SA
publisher |
4 |
Comando Di Regione Aerea
airliner |
1 |
unknown |
1 |
Commonealth of Australia
publisher |
1 |
Compagnie des Arts Photomécaniques / Lumicap
publisher |
1 |
Compass Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Concord (Ukraina, private print)
publisher |
2 |
Concorde Battery Corporation http://www.concordebattery.com |
publisher |
3 |
publisher |
10 |
publisher |
1 |
Conquest Match & Gift Company
publisher |
1 |
Construzioni Aeronautiche Giovanni Agusta S.p.A.
airliner |
1 |
Convento dei Frati Minori Cappuccini http://www.padre-pio.com |
publisher |
1 |
Cooper Post Card Co.
publisher |
1 |
Copter Covers (Air Covers) http://www.coptercovers.com |
airliner |
4 |
Copterline Helicopters http://www.copterline.com |
airliner |
10 |
publisher |
3 |
Cornelius Sales, Nashville
publisher |
1 |
Cornwall Aero Park
publisher |
6 |
Cornwall Air Ambulance http://www.helimed181.co.uk |
airliner |
9 |
Corpo nazionale soccorso alpino e speleologico (CNSAS) http://www.cnsas.it |
publisher |
1 |
Corporate Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Corporazione Arti Grafiche
publisher |
3 |
Correspondent Collectors’ Club
publisher |
1 |
Corum Photography
publisher |
1 |
Cotman-Color Series
publisher |
2 |
Couleur Locale
publisher |
1 |
County Air Ambulance
unknown |
2 |
Court Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Cox Air Care
airliner |
1 |
CP ORJ, Radom
publisher |
1 |
CPC - Cartes Postales et Collection
publisher |
1 |
CRA édition publicité
publisher |
1 |
Cranston Fine Arts, The Military Print Company https://www.cranstonfinearts.com |
publisher |
1 |
Croce Rossa Italiana
airliner |
1 |
Crossroad Postcards
publisher |
3 |
Crow's Nest Postcards https://www.hippostcard.com/store/crows-nest-postcards |
publisher |
1 |
Crown Copyright
publisher |
3 |
CTT Correios http://www.ctt.pt |
publisher |
1 |
Curtech-Chicago "C.T. American Art"
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
21 |
Curti Aereospace Division http://www.zefhir.eu |
airliner |
4 |
Cyp Barcelona
publisher |
2 |
Česká geologická služba http://www.geology.cz |
publisher |
1 |
Česká pošta (Czech post) http://www.ceskaposta.cz |
publisher |
4 |
airliner |
1 |
D. Marché
publisher |
2 |
D. S. Smith Enterprises
publisher |
2 |
Da Fotocolor
publisher |
3 |
Daimler-Benz Aerospace
airliner |
2 |
Damals in Deutschland (Bilder zur Luftfahrtgeschichte)
publisher |
2 |
Damin Aviation
airliner |
1 |
Dan Grigg Enterprise Co.
publisher |
1 |
Danang Tourism Promotion Center
publisher |
1 |
Danmarks Tekniske Museum / Danish Museum of Science and Technology (Helsingor) https://tekniskmuseum.dk |
unknown |
1 |
Darinchi http://www.darinchi.ru |
publisher |
1 |
David Shaw, The Postcard Shop
publisher |
1 |
Davric Australia Pty. Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
DAX - Le Musée de l'Aviation légere de l'Armée de Terre
publisher |
3 |
dbc-cards https://www.dbc-cards.net |
publisher |
1 |
DBK Praha
publisher |
1 |
DDK Edition http://www.ddkedition.com.pl |
publisher |
4 |
De Muinck & Co.
publisher |
10 |
De Stulp - Leidschendam
publisher |
3 |
De Verre Naasten
publisher |
1 |
Dean Wilson
publisher |
2 |
Decard Verlag AG http://www.decard-karten.com |
publisher |
4 |
Dedalus Helicopters (registered trademark elieolie®) http://elieolie.it/index-eng.php |
airliner |
1 |
Defence media Activity, San Antonio
publisher |
1 |
Dells Photo Service
publisher |
2 |
Delmar Company
publisher |
1 |
Delta Importers
publisher |
1 |
Den Kongeliege Gronlandske Handel
publisher |
2 |
Dennis W. Finley
publisher |
1 |
Design Studio Eugene July
publisher |
19 |
Deutsch-Deutsches Museum Mödlareuth http://www.moedlareuth.de |
publisher |
1 |
Deutsche Bundespost
publisher |
1 |
Deutschen Post Philatelie http://www.deutschepost.de/philatelie |
publisher |
1 |
Deutscher Helicopter-Dienst, Rietdorf KG (Germany)
airliner |
4 |
Deutsches Museum
publisher |
6 |
Devon Air Ambulance Trust http://www.daat.org |
airliner |
19 |
Dexter Color California
publisher |
2 |
Dexter Color New York
publisher |
1 |
Dexter Color, Canada
publisher |
2 |
Dexter Press
publisher |
33 |
DFKW Helicopter Service GmbH
airliner |
1 |
DFVLR (Deutche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
airliner |
1 |
Diacenter H. Hausle
publisher |
1 |
Dick Smith Adventures Pty Ltd
airliner |
1 |
Dima - Distribuicao Madeira, Lda. http://www.dima.pt |
publisher |
1 |
Dinh Thong Nhat (Vietnam)
publisher |
1 |
Direzione Centrale della Polizia Criminale
airliner |
3 |
District View Publishing
publisher |
1 |
DITIPO http://www.ditipo.cz |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Dixie Cards
publisher |
5 |
Document "ECA"
publisher |
1 |
Don Maskell & Co.
publisher |
2 |
airliner |
1 |
Dornier Museum Frieddrichshafen
publisher |
1 |
Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance
airliner |
33 |
Dover Publication
publisher |
1 |
Down Under Björn Again http://www.bjornagain.com |
publisher |
1 |
dp postcard
publisher |
1 |
Dplus (Dplus Die Schnelle Telefongesellschaft)
publisher |
1 |
Dragon Fly http://www.dragonfly-helicopter.com |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
36 |
DRF / Deutsche Rettungsflugwacht e. V. http://www.drf.de |
airliner |
17 |
Druckerei A.C. Froh - Plau am See
publisher |
2 |
Druckzentrum Laufen
publisher |
1 |
DSA a.s. (Delta System - Air a.s.) http://www.dsa.cz |
airliner |
6 |
publisher |
2 |
DTC (Italy)
publisher |
2 |
DTP-Repro Jorg Meyer
publisher |
2 |
Dukane Press
publisher |
3 |
Dutch Air Force
airliner |
2 |
Dutch Navy
airliner |
4 |
Dynacolor Graphics, Inc.
publisher |
1 |
E. A. Simmons
publisher |
1 |
E. Boyer
publisher |
3 |
E. Danielson AB
publisher |
2 |
E. T. W. Dennis & Sons Ltd.
publisher |
35 |
E.H. Industries Ltd.
airliner |
1 |
E.M.P.A. / European Military Press Agency
publisher |
1 |
EAA Helicopters Heli Hong Kong http://www.helihongkong.com |
airliner |
30 |
EADS http://www.eads.com |
airliner |
5 |
Eagle Aviation, Inc.
airliner |
1 |
Eagle Helicopter http://www.eaglehelicopter.ch |
airliner |
5 |
Eagle Helicopters City Pleasure Flights
airliner |
2 |
eam Card Co., Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Earth C-Air https://www.earth-c-air.com |
unknown |
1 |
East Anglian Air Ambulance http://www.eaaa.org.uk |
airliner |
13 |
East Asia Airlines
airliner |
3 |
East Midlands Air Support Unit
airliner |
1 |
East Midlands Helicopters
airliner |
3 |
Eastern Photo Litho Company
publisher |
2 |
Eastman's Studio East
publisher |
2 |
Echte Foto
publisher |
5 |
Echte Foto / U ?
publisher |
3 |
Ecole franco-allemande Tigre http://www.efa.terre.defense.gouv.fr |
airliner |
3 |
Ed. B. Marcaccini / Ediz. B. Marcaccini
publisher |
6 |
Ed. Bar
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Cartolibreria Agnelli
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Casa del libro - Pollicino G.. B.
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Chiosco S. Raffaele di Rosalia Szentirmay
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Ecir, Roma
publisher |
1 |
Ed. F. Ili Jozzi Taranto
publisher |
12 |
Ed. F. Micheletti
publisher |
3 |
Ed. FDC Roma
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Foto F. Bossi (Cravigliana)
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Foto Rafael Morales
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Francesco Ambrosi - Trento
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Franco Magnani
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Frederickx
publisher |
1 |
Ed. G. Cambursano (Torino)
publisher |
1 |
Ed. G. Pelle, Genazzano
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Gebr. Simons C. V.
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Giesse
publisher |
7 |
Ed. John Prévot
publisher |
3 |
Ed. La Souvenir - Via Scalette
publisher |
4 |
Ed. M. Ginocchio
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Pergamino
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Photocartes
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Pro S. Leo
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Ris. Bois Alessandro
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Ris. S.E.A.
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Sassano & Pagani-Milano
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Sergio Mior, Casarsa
publisher |
1 |
Ed. Urbe
publisher |
2 |
Ed. Vincenzo Carcavallo (Napoli)
publisher |
1 |
Edgar Freecards http://www.edgarfreecards.de |
publisher |
1 |
Edi Festel
publisher |
1 |
Edi. Graf
publisher |
6 |
publisher |
5 |
Edicart - Vicenza
publisher |
1 |
Ediciones 07
publisher |
1 |
Ediciones ALARDE - Oviedo
publisher |
1 |
Ediciones Sicilia - Zaragoza
publisher |
3 |
Edicions A. Campaná
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
Edit. Malmedy, Liege
publisher |
1 |
Edit. P. L. E.
publisher |
1 |
Edit. Photo Ski C. Roux, Arudy
publisher |
1 |
Edition Aeronauticum
publisher |
1 |
Edition Airoffset S. A.
publisher |
1 |
Edition Crac
publisher |
2 |
Edition d'Art Olivier
publisher |
1 |
Edition Des Escargophiles
publisher |
5 |
Edition Godneff, Aérodrome - Le Bourget
publisher |
1 |
Edition Jomone
publisher |
5 |
Edition Lapie
publisher |
9 |
Edition Le Berrurier
publisher |
5 |
Edition Les Ibis
publisher |
4 |
Edition Michel + Co.
publisher |
1 |
Edition Oléronaise ARJAC-PHOTO - L. Grandsart
publisher |
2 |
Edition Perrochet
publisher |
6 |
Edition Photo Liberté
publisher |
3 |
publisher |
2 |
Edition Saint-Raphael
publisher |
1 |
Edition Union Regionale des Sapeurs Pompiers du Sud-Est de la France
publisher |
1 |
Edition-Photo G. Métrailler-Borlat, Sion
publisher |
2 |
Editions "GUY" Paris
publisher |
1 |
Editions "Humour a' la Carte"
publisher |
5 |
Editions "LA GANA"
publisher |
1 |
Editions Air Photographique http://www.airphotographique.com |
publisher |
11 |
Editions Airel
publisher |
1 |
Editions Alain Baudry
publisher |
1 |
Editions Andor
publisher |
4 |
Éditions André
publisher |
1 |
Editions Arno
publisher |
1 |
Editions Asphodele
publisher |
1 |
Editions Avant Garde
publisher |
2 |
Editions AXI-HOME
publisher |
1 |
Editions Azur Riviera
publisher |
1 |
Editions Bourgogne
publisher |
3 |
Editions CEF
publisher |
5 |
Editions Cely
publisher |
1 |
Editions Chourgnoz
publisher |
2 |
Editions Chronique de l'aviation
publisher |
1 |
Editions Corna
publisher |
1 |
Éditions d'Art Jack
publisher |
1 |
Editions d'art Yvon Paris
publisher |
6 |
Editions de La Cigogne
publisher |
2 |
Editions des Alpes
publisher |
1 |
Editions du Gabier
publisher |
2 |
Éditions du museé des douanes
publisher |
1 |
Editions du Triangle
publisher |
1 |
Editions D’Art Jos Le Doaré
publisher |
12 |
Editions E,T.A.P.
publisher |
2 |
Editions Estel
publisher |
1 |
Editions FIT
publisher |
1 |
Editions GABY
publisher |
2 |
Editions Gaget Associes
publisher |
7 |
Editions J. Y. Ségalen / JYS
publisher |
18 |
Editions J.-L. Nespoulous
publisher |
2 |
Editions J.P.P. Azur Toulon
publisher |
2 |
Éditions Jean Farcigny
publisher |
2 |
Editions Jubin
publisher |
4 |
Editions Juva
publisher |
7 |
Editions Les Barrieres
publisher |
1 |
Editions Lyna-Paris
publisher |
13 |
Editions M. L. Beco
publisher |
1 |
Editions M.I.R.E.
publisher |
1 |
Editions MAGE
publisher |
4 |
Editions Marius Bar
publisher |
7 |
Editions Miegeville-Deleville
publisher |
1 |
Editions Mythra
publisher |
3 |
Editions NEP (Nouevelles Editions Provençales)
publisher |
4 |
Editions Nugeron (Editions F. Nugeron)
publisher |
9 |
Éditions P.C. 31
publisher |
2 |
Editions P.I.
publisher |
11 |
Editions Peau d'Ane
publisher |
2 |
Editions Photos Géantes
publisher |
1 |
Editions Repro
publisher |
1 |
Editions ROCHER
publisher |
1 |
Editions S.M.D.
publisher |
1 |
Editions Selection
publisher |
9 |
Editions Serge Gélabert
publisher |
2 |
Editions Sofer
publisher |
3 |
Editions Subervie S.A.
publisher |
2 |
Editions T.A.P.
publisher |
12 |
Editions TELE
publisher |
1 |
Editions Thill
publisher |
11 |
Editions VALOIRE
publisher |
1 |
Editions Yvon
publisher |
9 |
Editrice Azzurra
publisher |
2 |
Editura Militará
airliner |
1 |
Edivel Route d'Evrecy
publisher |
1 |
Ediz Fototecnica VINELLI
publisher |
1 |
Ediz. A. Conti
publisher |
1 |
Ediz. Azzarello
publisher |
1 |
Ediz. Escl. Capurso
publisher |
1 |
Ediz. F. LLI Orempuller
publisher |
1 |
Ediz. Foto Maffini - Malesco
publisher |
1 |
Ediz. L. F. P.
publisher |
1 |
Ediz. La Torre
publisher |
2 |
Ediz. S. A. F.
publisher |
1 |
Ediz. Salvatore Alario - Schio
publisher |
1 |
Ediz. Valer / Ediz. Cartotecnica Valer
publisher |
3 |
Ediz. Valsassina
publisher |
1 |
Edizione "Roma" Italia
publisher |
4 |
Edizione BE.CA.BU
publisher |
2 |
Edizione Marcia Longa
publisher |
1 |
Edizione Roma
publisher |
1 |
Edizione Sulfaro Giuseppe
publisher |
1 |
Edizioni Alfa / Alfa Kartos
publisher |
6 |
Edizioni Bosetti
publisher |
2 |
Edizioni Cabicar
publisher |
3 |
Edizioni Gherardi
publisher |
2 |
Edizioni Paoline, Roma - Vera Fotografia
publisher |
1 |
Edizioni Pino veclani
publisher |
1 |
Edizioni RI-MA
publisher |
12 |
Edizioni Saemec
publisher |
3 |
Edizioni Tonso
publisher |
1 |
EDS Unigraphics
publisher |
1 |
EDUG - Paris
publisher |
1 |
EF Publishing
publisher |
4 |
Ehrhardt Grafik-Design
publisher |
1 |
EigenArt Verlag
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Einsatzführungskommando der Bundeswehr http://www.einsatz.bundeswehr.de |
airliner |
3 |
publisher |
2 |
Ektachrome Transparency
publisher |
4 |
El Questro Station (ELQ) https://www.elquestro.com.au |
publisher |
1 |
Electronic Arts
publisher |
2 |
Elicotteri Meridionali S.p.A., Gruppo Agusta
airliner |
1 |
ELITE Flights http://www.eliteflights.ch |
airliner |
1 |
ELITE Simulation Solutions AG http://www.flyelite.ch |
airliner |
1 |
airliner |
3 |
Elizabeth Ellis Art
publisher |
1 |
ELLI http://www.elli.cz |
publisher |
1 |
Em-Pi-Ey Agency
publisher |
1 |
Emanuel Hospital Photo
publisher |
1 |
EMCS - Enthusiasts Military Civil Slides, England
publisher |
3 |
Emdeeha B.V.
publisher |
12 |
Emergency Services
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Empire Philatélique
publisher |
1 |
Engale Marketing
publisher |
1 |
English Life Publications Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
Enstrom Corporation http://www.enstromhelicopter.com |
airliner |
5 |
Environmental PhotoArt
publisher |
27 |
Eon Productions
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
Era Helicopters
airliner |
6 |
Erickson Air-Crane
airliner |
4 |
Esercito (Italian Amry) http://www.esercito.difesa.it |
airliner |
5 |
Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Trust http://www.ehaat.uk.com |
airliner |
4 |
Essex Police
airliner |
2 |
publisher |
3 |
Etos Drogisterijen
publisher |
1 |
Ets. D. Delboy (Daniel Delboy)
publisher |
2 |
airliner |
2 |
Eurocopter Canada http://www.eurocopter.ca |
airliner |
1 |
Eurocopter UK, an EADS Company http://www.eurocopter.co.uk |
airliner |
1 |
Eurocopter, EADS http://www.eurocopter.com |
airliner |
11 |
Evening Standard
airliner |
1 |
Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum https://www.evergreenmuseum.org |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
4 |
Exhibit Supply Co.
publisher |
1 |
Eyewitness News 3 KTVK-TV
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
4 |
F/A-18 Shop
publisher |
2 |
Fagan Color Cards of Tidewater Inc.
publisher |
7 |
Fairchild Hiller
airliner |
1 |
Falck DRF http://www.falck.com/danskluftambulance/ |
airliner |
1 |
Farbauhnahme u. Verlag Carl Eberth
publisher |
2 |
Farmingdale Motor Lodge
publisher |
2 |
Farrington AirCraft Corporation
airliner |
1 |
FDC / First Day Cover, Marque deposee
publisher |
3 |
Felicity Card Co. Ltd.
publisher |
4 |
Fiddlers Green
publisher |
2 |
Field Logistics Support
airliner |
8 |
Fiera Di Milano
publisher |
8 |
Fiji First Class Postcards
publisher |
1 |
Filalia Sibiu
publisher |
1 |
Fine Arts Studio, Cleveland 15, Ohio
publisher |
1 |
Finish Army http://www.mil.fi/utjr |
airliner |
3 |
Finish Defence Forces
airliner |
1 |
Fiona Lake http://www.fionalake.com.au |
publisher |
3 |
First Class Publications
publisher |
5 |
FISA (Fotografia Industrial, S. A., Barcelona)
publisher |
7 |
Flashcards, Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Fleet Air Arm Museum
publisher |
3 |
Flieger Revue
publisher |
15 |
Fliegershop Brodbeck http://www.airforceshop.ch |
publisher |
2 |
Flight for Life Froedtert Hospital
airliner |
1 |
Flight International
publisher |
8 |
Flight Photo
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Flightline Graphics
publisher |
1 |
Florida Natural Color, Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Florida Postcard Producers, Inc.
publisher |
10 |
Flugausstellung Hermeskeil bei Trier / Druckerei Ensch GmbH http://www.flugausstellung.de |
publisher |
8 |
Flughafen Altenrhein
airliner |
1 |
Flughafen GmbH Baden-Baden
publisher |
2 |
Flugplatzbetriebsgesellschaft Welzow
publisher |
1 |
Flugschule Eichenberger AG http://www.flugschule-eichenberger.ch |
airliner |
5 |
Flugzeugmuseum Cämmerwalde http://www.gaststaetteamflugzeug.de |
publisher |
1 |
Flygvapen Museum http://www.flygvapenmuseum.se |
publisher |
3 |
Flygvapnet (Swedish Air Force) (Flygvapnet - Ditt Yrke)
airliner |
7 |
Flying Crusaders
publisher |
3 |
Flying M Air, LLC
airliner |
1 |
Flying Moose, Monterey, CA
publisher |
1 |
flying Photos Magazine
publisher |
1 |
Flying Pig Helicopters https://www.flyingpighelicopters.co.uk |
airliner |
4 |
FlyNYON https://www.flynyon.com/ |
airliner |
1 |
Fodru Gouda
publisher |
4 |
Folio+ http://folioplus.com.ua |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
Fondazione sovietica per la Cultura
publisher |
1 |
Força Aérea Portuguesa / FAP / Portuguese Air Force
airliner |
2 |
Força Aeronaval da Marinha do Brasil (Brazilian Navy) https://www.marinha.mil.br |
unknown |
1 |
Ford Jenkins, Lowestoft
publisher |
1 |
Foreign Languages Press Beijing China
publisher |
1 |
Foreman Studio
publisher |
1 |
unknown |
1 |
forrania (?)
publisher |
1 |
Fort Art Service Frem b.v.
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
Forum Wallis http://www.forumwallis.ch |
publisher |
1 |
Foto A. De Belder, Edegen
publisher |
1 |
Foto Baumgartner, Ansichtskarten-Prospektverlag-Werbefotografie GmbH
publisher |
1 |
foto dieter drescher
publisher |
1 |
Foto Ediciones Catalan Ibarz
publisher |
1 |
Foto Fetzer
publisher |
1 |
Foto Gamberger, Spittal / Drau
publisher |
1 |
Foto Garbani, Locarno
publisher |
1 |
Foto Hacker-Rauch
publisher |
3 |
Foto Max Deix, Deutschlandsberg
publisher |
1 |
Foto Oczlon (Verlag H. Oczlon, St. Johan in Pongau)
publisher |
1 |
Foto RUBCK (RURCK?), Benidorm (Alicante)
publisher |
1 |
Foto-Flug u. Video-Werbung Seidel & Kruse
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Foto-Postkarte - PORST
publisher |
2 |
Fotocolor Angeli
publisher |
1 |
Fotoediz. Rivetta Souvenirs
publisher |
1 |
Fotoedizione F.Ili Jozzi Taranto
publisher |
7 |
Fotoedizioni G. Carminati
publisher |
6 |
Fotoedizioni Nabot
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Fotorapidacolor Terni
publisher |
7 |
Fotoverlag Huber
publisher |
1 |
Four Seasons Aviation Ltd. http://www.fourseasonsaviation.com |
airliner |
1 |
Fox Glacier Community Fundraiser
publisher |
1 |
FP Arnhem
publisher |
1 |
Francis Jaeger
unknown |
5 |
Francis Leroux
publisher |
1 |
Frank C. Cox
publisher |
3 |
Frank Whaley Post Cards
publisher |
5 |
free Air helicopters
airliner |
1 |
freecards http://www.freecards.it |
publisher |
1 |
Friendly Collection, Hong Kong
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
8 |
FRILA VERLAG (Verlag Fritz Lauterbach)
publisher |
1 |
Frith's Series Reigate
publisher |
1 |
Fritz Lauener
publisher |
2 |
Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Fujian Science And Technology Publishing House, Fuhou, China
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Fury Helicopters http://www.furyhelicopters.com |
airliner |
1 |
G&S Enterprises
unknown |
1 |
G. Bouchetal
publisher |
2 |
G. H. Hacker - Rauch
publisher |
8 |
G. R. Brown Co.
publisher |
1 |
G. Rinnhofer Kunstpostkarten
publisher |
2 |
G.W. Associates
publisher |
2 |
GAE (Giorgio Apostolo Editore)
publisher |
18 |
GALAXY - Jan Grabec
publisher |
1 |
Gale & Polden Ltd.
publisher |
5 |
Garrick (Garrick Colour Postcards)
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Gazelle Squadron http://www.gazellesquadron.co.uk |
airliner |
2 |
Gebr. Cafferata
publisher |
1 |
Gebr. Garloff KG, Magdeburg
publisher |
2 |
airliner |
2 |
publisher |
6 |
Gendarmerie Nationale (France) https://www.gendarmerie.interieur.gouv.fr |
airliner |
4 |
General Headquartersof the ROC Army
airliner |
1 |
Genuine Curteich - Chicago "C.T. American Art"
publisher |
1 |
Geoffrey White Ltd. (Geoff White Ltd.)
publisher |
5 |
George R. Cockle
publisher |
24 |
Georges Robbe
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
6 |
unknown |
1 |
Gibsons of Scilly
publisher |
6 |
Giornata dell'Aero Filatelia Lugano
publisher |
2 |
Gipsy Edition
publisher |
3 |
Gipsy Plains (Jacqueline Curley)
publisher |
1 |
GLA - Gruppo Lavoratori Anziani D’Azienda - Agusta
airliner |
30 |
Glacier Southern Lakes Helicopters http://heli-flights.co.nz |
airliner |
1 |
Gleason Distributor Co.
publisher |
1 |
Global Helicopter Service GmbH http://www.global-helicopter-service.com |
airliner |
1 |
Globetrotter GmbH
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
GLS - Gruppo Lavoratori Seniores AGUSTA-MV
airliner |
3 |
GM Milano-Dep. (Garami Milano)
publisher |
10 |
GO Island Hopper Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
Golden Apple Postcards / Arrow Novelty Co., Inc.
publisher |
2 |
Golden Gate Helicopters, Inc.
airliner |
1 |
Gosfotokombinat "Lenfotochudoznik" (USSR)
publisher |
1 |
Government Flying Service, Hong Kong http://www.info.gov.hk/gfs/ |
airliner |
2 |
GRAFICA S.A., Argentina
publisher |
2 |
Graficas Virgen De Loreto
publisher |
1 |
Grafiche Del Bianco
publisher |
1 |
Gragam & Sons Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
Graham (Printers) Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
Grand Canyon Helicopters
airliner |
6 |
Grande Roche http://www.granderoche.co.za |
publisher |
1 |
Graphic Promotions
publisher |
1 |
Great China Airlines
airliner |
1 |
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
airliner |
2 |
Greater Manchester Museum of Science and Industry
publisher |
1 |
Greater Manchester Police, Air Support Unit http://www.gmp.police.uk |
airliner |
2 |
Greatland Classic Sales Co.
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
Greenpeace (CZ) http://www.greenpeace.cz |
airliner |
1 |
Greenwood Military Aviation Museum http://www.gmam.ca |
publisher |
1 |
Grice's Photo Mart, Morgan City
publisher |
2 |
Groen Brothers Aviation http://www.groenbros.com |
airliner |
1 |
Grönlandsfly - Greenlandair
airliner |
15 |
GroupePhilatélique Béarnais
publisher |
1 |
Grover Printing Company
publisher |
1 |
Gruppo Squadroni Italheli «IBIS» - Somalia
airliner |
4 |
Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration, China
airliner |
1 |
Guardia Di Finanza (Italian Custom Police)
airliner |
6 |
Gulf Greetings LLC http://www.gulfgreetings.com |
publisher |
1 |
Gulf Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Gulfstream Card Co., Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Guy Brochot Photographies http://www.guybrochot.com |
publisher |
4 |
publisher |
1 |
H. Coates & Sons
publisher |
1 |
H. R. Pauli
publisher |
1 |
H. Weishaupt (Graz, Austria)
publisher |
1 |
Haagsche Courant
publisher |
1 |
Haast Pass Tourist Service Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
Hagans Service
publisher |
1 |
Hakan Eriksson (Förlag Hakan Eriksson) https://www.nostalgikort.se |
publisher |
1 |
Hal Porter Photos, Seattle
publisher |
1 |
Hammond's Studio
publisher |
1 |
Hampshire County Federation of Women's Institutes
unknown |
1 |
Hankyu Airlines http://www.hankyu-air.co.jp |
airliner |
4 |
Hanns Ebensten Travel, Inc.
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
Harenberg (Harenberg Kalender) https://www.harenberg-kalender.de |
publisher |
1 |
Harknett Prints http://jamieharknett.redbubble.com |
publisher |
1 |
Harold K. Melton, Gatlinburg, Tenn.
publisher |
1 |
Hartford Hospital / Wells Enterpisses http://www.harthosp.org/lifestar/ |
airliner |
1 |
Hartman Litho Sales Co.
publisher |
3 |
Harvey Barton & Son Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
Hasseröder Brauerei https://hasseroeder.de |
unknown |
1 |
Hassop Hall Hotel
publisher |
1 |
Hawaii Helicopters http://www.hawaii-helicopters.com |
airliner |
2 |
Hawaiian Resources Co.
publisher |
10 |
Hawaiian Services, Inc.
publisher |
1 |
HB Wien (?)
publisher |
1 |
Hel-Aire Copters, Ltd.
airliner |
1 |
Heli Air Ltd. http://www.heliair.com |
airliner |
21 |
Heli Air Monaco http://www.heliairmonaco.com |
airliner |
8 |
Heli Air Service SARL
airliner |
1 |
Heli Alpes
airliner |
2 |
Heli Champagne Arden
airliner |
1 |
HELI CZECH s.r.o. http://www.heliczech.cz |
airliner |
14 |
Héli Express http://www.heliexpres.com |
airliner |
1 |
Heli Gotthard http://www.heligotthard.ch |
airliner |
5 |
Héli Inter
airliner |
1 |
Heli NRW GmbH https://heli-nrw.de |
airliner |
1 |
Heli Rezia http://www.helirezia.ch |
airliner |
10 |
Heli TransAir http://www.helitransair.com |
airliner |
10 |
héli transport
airliner |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
Heli-Dyne Systems http://www.helidyne.net |
airliner |
4 |
HELI-FLIGHT GmbH & Co. KG https://www.heli-flight.de |
airliner |
1 |
Heli-Line http://www.heliline.at |
airliner |
1 |
Heli-Linth http://www.heli-linth.ch |
airliner |
8 |
Heli-Maintenance AG https://www.heli-maintenance.ch |
airliner |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
Heli-West AG http://www.heli-west.ch |
airliner |
2 |
HELIair http://www.heliair.com.au |
airliner |
1 |
Helialpin AG https://www.helialpin.ch |
airliner |
1 |
Helibernina http://www.helibernina.ch |
airliner |
3 |
Héliberté https://www.heliberte.com |
airliner |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
Helicentro Morumbi http://www.helicentro.com.br |
airliner |
1 |
Heliclub Midi - Pyrénées
airliner |
1 |
Hélicolor France S.A.
airliner |
1 |
Helicomb International http://www.helicomb.com |
airliner |
7 |
airliner |
1 |
helicoptair http://www.helicoptair.ch |
airliner |
2 |
Helicopter Assistance AB
airliner |
1 |
Helicopter Aviation Corporation
airliner |
1 |
Helicopter Club of America
publisher |
1 |
Helicopter Emergency Medical Service
airliner |
2 |
Helicopter Flugeinsätze Antarctic
publisher |
2 |
Helicopter Life http://www.helicopterlife.com |
publisher |
1 |
Helicopter Service Service Mitte GmbH.
airliner |
1 |
Helicopter Service Wasserthal GmbH http://www.wasserthal.com |
airliner |
1 |
Helicopter Services Limited http://helicopterservices.co.uk |
airliner |
2 |
Helicopter Services of nevada, Inc.
airliner |
1 |
Helicopter Seychelles
airliner |
2 |
Helicopter Tours
airliner |
2 |
Hélicoptere Service SA
airliner |
2 |
Hélicoptéres De Normandie
airliner |
1 |
HelicopterMedia http://www.helicoptermedia.com |
publisher |
1 |
HeliFlight http://www.helikoptervluchten.nl |
airliner |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
Helifor Industries Ltd. http://www.helifor.com |
airliner |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
Heligrill AG https://www.heli-grill.ch |
unknown |
1 |
Helijet Adventures
airliner |
1 |
HeliJet Charter GmbH
airliner |
1 |
Helikopta Kompani Vanuatu
airliner |
2 |
Helikopter Service A/S http://www.chc.ca/norway.htm |
airliner |
11 |
Helikopter Zentrum
airliner |
3 |
Helikopterflug.ch http://www.helikopterflug.ch |
airliner |
1 |
HelikopterService http://www.helikopterservice.com |
airliner |
2 |
Hélilagon http://www.helilagon.com |
airliner |
10 |
airliner |
3 |
airliner |
1 |
Helion Procopter
airliner |
6 |
Helipan Corp. http://www.helipan.com |
airliner |
1 |
HELIPASS http://www.helipass.com |
airliner |
1 |
HELIPRO http://www.helipro.de |
airliner |
1 |
Heliseco Sp. z o.o.. i ŚKK
airliner |
1 |
Helisight http://www.helisight.com.br |
airliner |
5 |
HeliSki Lacadur
airliner |
1 |
Helistar Helicopters, New Zealand http://www.helistar.co.nz |
airliner |
1 |
Helisul Táxi Aéreo Ltda http://www.helisul.com |
airliner |
13 |
HeliSwiss http://www.heliswiss.ch |
airliner |
10 |
Heliswiss International AG http://www.heliswissinternational.com |
airliner |
14 |
Helitrans AG (EuroAirport Basel) http://www.helitrans.ch |
airliner |
2 |
HELIUSHUAIA - Volar S.A http://www.heliushuaia.com.ar |
airliner |
6 |
Heliwork Services Ltd. https://heliworkservices.co.uk |
airliner |
2 |
Heliworks Queenstown Helicopters Ltd http://www.heliworks.co.nz |
airliner |
1 |
Helly Hansen
publisher |
1 |
Helma Beta, spol. s r.o. http://www.helmabeta.cz |
publisher |
1 |
Helog http://www.helog.ch |
airliner |
6 |
HELVICH - vydavatelství multimedia http://www.helvich.eu |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
12 |
HEMS London http://www.hems-london.org.uk |
airliner |
1 |
Henderson/Yates & Associates, Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Herausgeber New Photo
publisher |
1 |
Herbco Card Co.
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Hewitt's Drug Store, Inc., Photo Supply
publisher |
1 |
HFS (Helicopter-Flug-Service GmbH)
airliner |
1 |
Hiawatha Card Co., Michigan
publisher |
2 |
High Mountains Heli Skiing http://www.heliskijackson.com |
airliner |
1 |
High Plains Museum, Goodland, Kansas
airliner |
1 |
Hill Aerospace Museum
publisher |
3 |
Hill Air Force Base Museum
unknown |
3 |
Hiller Aircraft Corporation
airliner |
1 |
Hillsboro Aviation http://www.hillsboroaviation.com |
airliner |
6 |
Hilton International / Hilton Hotel
airliner |
2 |
Hispapel Ltda.
publisher |
1 |
Hitachi Capital http://www.hitachicapital.co.uk |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
HNZ (Helicopters (NZ)) http://www.hnzglobal.com |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
3 |
Hoffstadt Bluffs Visitor Center & Fire Mountain Grill
publisher |
2 |
HOLIDAY Postcard / HOLIDAY Postcard Edition / Private edition Peter Homann
publisher |
23 |
Hong Kong Air International Ltd.
airliner |
4 |
Hong Kong Historical Aircraft Association
publisher |
5 |
Hong Kong Honour Publishing Co. Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Geneve (HUG)
airliner |
1 |
HoppyCards http://www.hoppycards.ru |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Hospice Care Trust North Devon
publisher |
3 |
Hotel - Ristorante "Genziana", Vicenza, Italy
publisher |
1 |
Hotel Carter, N.Y.C.
publisher |
1 |
Hotel Muehlebach and Muehlebach Towers
unknown |
1 |
House of postcards (Poland) https://houseofpostcards.pl |
publisher |
1 |
HQ Aviation https://www.hqaviation.com |
airliner |
2 |
HSD http://www.hsd-online.de |
airliner |
10 |
HSL-34 Greencheckers
airliner |
1 |
HTA Helicopteros LBA http://www.htahelicopteros.com |
airliner |
1 |
HTC Helicopter Charter GmbH http://www.htc-helicopter.de |
airliner |
3 |
Huber & Huber Ltd., Chile
publisher |
1 |
Hubschrauber Flug Aviation Consulting GmbH
airliner |
2 |
Hubschraubermuseum Bückeburg
publisher |
9 |
Hubschrauberzentrum e.V.
publisher |
11 |
Hughes Tool Company, Aircraft Division
airliner |
1 |
Humana Hospital
unknown |
1 |
Hummingbird Helicopters (Maldives) Pvt. Ltd.
airliner |
12 |
Hungary post
publisher |
1 |
HZ Publishers (Pvt) Ltd
publisher |
1 |
HZS Středočeského kraje (CZ)
unknown |
1 |
I-Tryck AB, Lulea
publisher |
1 |
I.A.A.C., Inc.
publisher |
1 |
I.O.M. Philatelic Federation
publisher |
1 |
IAF Air Headquarters (Indian Air Force)
airliner |
2 |
IAR (Industria Aeronautica Romana)
airliner |
3 |
IAWP (International Airline World Publishing Company)
publisher |
1 |
Icefield Helicopter Tours http://www.icefieldhelicoptertours.com |
airliner |
1 |
Icelandic Coast Guard
airliner |
1 |
icons (Dubai)
publisher |
2 |
Idées+ http://www.ideesplus.fr |
publisher |
3 |
airliner |
5 |
IFA (Internationale Flug Ambulanz) http://www.ifa-flugambulanz.de |
airliner |
1 |
IFPA (Collectors Serries)
publisher |
1 |
Ilmari - Pelustushelikopteri
airliner |
1 |
Image Press http://www.imagepress.cz |
publisher |
11 |
publisher |
1 |
IMDH - Instituut voor Medische Dringende Hulpverlening http://www.imdh.be |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
3 |
Imperial War Musem
publisher |
4 |
Imprimerie Guénot
publisher |
1 |
Imprimerie P. Chauvaux, Libramont
publisher |
1 |
India Post http://www.indiapost.gov.in |
publisher |
4 |
Indonesian Army http://www.tni.mil.id |
airliner |
1 |
Info Team Landesverteidigung
airliner |
1 |
inspirea http://www.inspirea.cz |
publisher |
6 |
Institut Lotnictwa (The Institute of Aviation, Poland) http://ilot.edu.pl/ |
publisher |
2 |
Instituto Bibliografico Napoleone
publisher |
1 |
Inter-Island Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
airliner |
6 |
Internation Rescue Card (SOS 144 AG) https://www.sos144.ch |
publisher |
2 |
International Colour Productions (ICP)
publisher |
3 |
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) https://www.ifaw.org |
unknown |
3 |
International Helicopter Theory Pty Ltd
publisher |
6 |
Interprint (GB)
publisher |
2 |
Interstate Hosts Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum http://www.intrepidmuseum.org |
publisher |
4 |
Iowa State Fair
publisher |
1 |
IPEV (Institut Polaire Francais)
publisher |
1 |
IPTN (Industri Pesawat Terbang Nurtanio, Indonesia)
airliner |
2 |
IRCAM (Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics/Music ) http://www.ircam.fr |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
4 |
Irish Lithoprint Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
Island Helicopter Corp. / Island Helicopters Corp.
airliner |
4 |
Island Heritage Publishing
publisher |
2 |
Island Hopper Helicopters Ltd.
airliner |
1 |
Isles of Scilly publications
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Italfor IBIS Somalia
airliner |
2 |
IWM (Imperial War Museum) http://www.iwm.org.uk |
publisher |
1 |
Izdatelstvo "Chelovneba", USSR era
publisher |
1 |
Izdatelstvo "Dikoje Pole"
publisher |
1 |
Izdatelstvo "Izobrazitelnoe Iskusstvo", USSR era
publisher |
7 |
Izdatelstvo "Kavkazskaja zdrabnica", USSR era
publisher |
1 |
Izdatelstvo "Plakat", USSR era
publisher |
1 |
Izdatelstvo "Planeta", USSR era
publisher |
29 |
Izdatelstvo "Pravda", USSR era
publisher |
1 |
Izdatelstvo "Radjanska Ukraina", USSR era
publisher |
2 |
Izdatelstvo "Sovetskaja Rosija", USSR era
publisher |
6 |
Izdatelstvo "Sovetskij Chudoznik", USSR era
publisher |
10 |
Izdatelstvo CK Kompartii Kazachstana, Alma-Ata
publisher |
1 |
Izogiz (Russian cards)
publisher |
8 |
Izrada Agencije za fotodokumentaciju - Zagreb
publisher |
1 |
J. Arthur Dixon
publisher |
49 |
J. C. Phillips
publisher |
2 |
J. Hauser, photo.-édit. Paris
publisher |
1 |
J. M. Aulfinger
publisher |
6 |
J. Maezelle Publisher, Brussels
publisher |
3 |
J. Salmon Ltd.
publisher |
9 |
J. Sijen
publisher |
2 |
J.J.Heatley, Smithtown, L.I., N.Y.
publisher |
1 |
j.j.postcards http://jjpostcards.com |
publisher |
15 |
J.P.P., Czech Republic
publisher |
5 |
J.S.A. (J. Sleding - Amsterdam)
publisher |
13 |
jacadi http://www.jacadi.fr/ |
publisher |
1 |
Jakub Seifert http://www.pohledyseifert.cz |
publisher |
8 |
Jämtlands Aero
airliner |
1 |
Jämtlands Flyg
airliner |
2 |
Japan Association of Aviation Photographers (JAAP)
publisher |
4 |
Japan Self-Defense Forces http://www.mod.go.jp |
airliner |
6 |
Jarrold & Sons Ltd (A Cotman-Color Series)
publisher |
6 |
JC, Belgium
publisher |
1 |
JCB Sales Limited
airliner |
1 |
Jean-Claude Volpi
publisher |
24 |
Jeffery Bros., Weymouth, Dorset
publisher |
1 |
Jenkins Enterprises http://www.jenkins-enterprises.com |
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
JETSTREAM (postcard publisher)
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
7 |
Joe Campbell Enterprises
publisher |
1 |
John B. Mayo Agency
publisher |
3 |
John Eagle Photography http://www.johneaglephoto.com |
publisher |
2 |
John F. Urwiller
publisher |
2 |
John Fry Productions http://www.johnfry.com |
publisher |
2 |
John Hinde Curteich Inc.
publisher |
1 |
John Hinde Publishers, UK
publisher |
15 |
John McArthur Photography
publisher |
2 |
John Sands Pty. Ltd. Printers
publisher |
2 |
John Wischmann
publisher |
1 |
John-Byrne Co., Chicago, Ill., USA
publisher |
1 |
Jolufeso Pictures
publisher |
1 |
Jordi AG - das Medienhaus (Cockpit, Das Schweizer Liftfahrt-Magazin) http://www.cockpit.aero |
publisher |
7 |
Josef Strerath
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
Juche Travel Services http://www.juchetravelservices.com |
publisher |
2 |
Judges http://www.judges.co.uk |
publisher |
22 |
publisher |
1 |
Juneau Icefield Research program http://www.juneauicefield.com |
publisher |
1 |
Just Books, Belfast
publisher |
1 |
K (sign)
publisher |
2 |
K. Jeswig (Verlag K. Jeswig)
publisher |
1 |
Kaikoura Helicopters Ltd., New Zealand http://www.worldofwhales.co.nz |
airliner |
2 |
Kaman (Kaman Aerospace) http://www.kamanaero.com |
airliner |
4 |
Kari Kirjapaino
publisher |
1 |
Karkaus-Sydänmaan kyläyhdistys ry
publisher |
1 |
KartenKombinat http://www.postkarten.de |
publisher |
3 |
Kartuziánské vydavatelství, Brno
publisher |
1 |
Kawasaki Heavy Industries
airliner |
3 |
Kazan Helicopters
airliner |
12 |
KB Press, s.r.o.
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
2 |
Ken Lapp & Associates Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
Kenai Helicopters http://www.flykenai.com |
airliner |
1 |
Kenai Helicopters Grand Canyon
airliner |
4 |
Kendex Cards
publisher |
6 |
Kenneth R. Bell
publisher |
2 |
Kent Air Ambulance Trust http://www.kentairambulance.co.uk |
airliner |
12 |
Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance Trust http://www.kssairambulance.org.uk |
airliner |
6 |
Kentucky Army National Guard
airliner |
1 |
Kersten Brothers (SugarTree)
publisher |
1 |
KEY group LLC http://key-g.com/ |
publisher |
1 |
Kieran Murray
publisher |
2 |
King George’s Fund for Sailors
publisher |
10 |
Kinzie Industries, Inc.
airliner |
2 |
KIWI / A New Zealand Kiwi Postcards / A.H. & A.W. Reed
publisher |
6 |
Klasik Kards
publisher |
3 |
Klein Post Card Service
publisher |
5 |
Klinikum Garmisch-Partenkirchen http://www.klinikum-gap.de |
publisher |
1 |
Klinikum Obergöltzsch Rodewisch https://www.klinikum-obergoeltzsch.de |
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
4 |
KLM ERA Helicopters
airliner |
12 |
KLM Helikopters
airliner |
12 |
KLM Noordzee Helikopters NV
airliner |
2 |
Klondike Heliskiing
airliner |
5 |
Knaus Helicopter http://www.knaus.cc |
airliner |
14 |
Knut Aüne Kunstforlag A/S
publisher |
3 |
Kolor View
publisher |
1 |
Kommando Strategische Aufklärung (Druckerei KSA, Bundeswehr)
airliner |
17 |
Kona Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLu)
airliner |
10 |
Koninklijke Marine https://www.defensie.nl/organisatie/marine |
airliner |
6 |
Koninkljke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij (KNRM)
unknown |
1 |
Konotopsky Museum of Aviation
publisher |
1 |
Koppel Color Cards
publisher |
1 |
Kopy Kats Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
Korbee Promotie (Nl)
publisher |
1 |
Korea National Tourism Corporation
publisher |
1 |
Korr-Verlag, Wiesbaden
publisher |
1 |
KP Classic Collectables
publisher |
1 |
Krajowa Agencia Wydawnicza
publisher |
13 |
Krankenhaus Berlin Neukölln
publisher |
1 |
Kremenchuk Flight College of National Aviation University http://www.flightcollege.com.ua |
airliner |
1 |
KRF, Sankt-Peterburg
publisher |
1 |
Kroeber Airprint
publisher |
11 |
publisher |
12 |
Kruger Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
Kuki Helicopters https://www.kuki.co.uk |
airliner |
1 |
Kunstverlag Karl Bernhard, Hannover
publisher |
1 |
Kurlands Forlag
publisher |
1 |
Kyodo Air, Inc.
airliner |
2 |
Kyrgyzstan Airlines
airliner |
1 |
L&H (Echte Photographie L&H)
publisher |
5 |
L'Agence Vertical
publisher |
1 |
l'aventure carto
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
15 |
publisher |
20 |
L. Mancini
publisher |
1 |
L. Villoing
publisher |
2 |
L. Z. Graf
publisher |
2 |
La Fourchette (hotel, Pra-Loup, France)
publisher |
1 |
LA Helicopter
airliner |
1 |
La Societé Kent, Inc. Québec, Canada
publisher |
1 |
Lakeland Bears
publisher |
1 |
Lakeside Photo Studio
publisher |
2 |
Lancia (car company)
publisher |
1 |
Landeskrankenanstalten Salzburg
publisher |
1 |
Landesverband Südwestdeutscher Briefmarken-Sammlervereine e.V.
publisher |
1 |
Landmark Trust http://www.landmarktrust.org.uk |
publisher |
2 |
Land’s End Landmark https://www.landsend-landmark.co.uk |
publisher |
1 |
Lantern Press http://www.lanternpress.com |
publisher |
2 |
LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) http://www.lapdonline.org |
airliner |
2 |
Larkfield Printing Co.
publisher |
1 |
Last Frontier Heliskiimg http://www.lastfrontierheli.com |
airliner |
4 |
Lawson Graphics Pacific Limited
publisher |
2 |
Lawson Mardon Post Card Sparks, Nevada
publisher |
2 |
LAX (printing company?)
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
3 |
LDS Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah
unknown |
1 |
publisher |
3 |
LEGOLAND Deutchland
publisher |
1 |
Lehrmittelinstitut GmbH.
publisher |
1 |
Lengauer Karte (Munchener Bildkunstverlag August Lengauer)
publisher |
2 |
Leocopter - Air Services http://www.leocopter.com |
airliner |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
Les Editions Arduenna
publisher |
8 |
Les Editions Guy Borens
publisher |
3 |
Les Mille et un Travaux de L'Homme
publisher |
1 |
Letecká záchranná služba, Slovakia
airliner |
1 |
Letecké muzeum Kunovice / Slovácké muzeum http://www.slovackemuzeum.cz/doc/6/ |
publisher |
4 |
Letecké opravny Kbely (LOK, Aircraft Repair Works Kbely)
airliner |
1 |
Liberty Helicopters
airliner |
2 |
LIBI / The Fund for strengthening Istrael's Defence
airliner |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
LifePort, Inc.
airliner |
1 |
Lilek Photo Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance
airliner |
1 |
Lincolnshire Lancaster Commitee
publisher |
1 |
Lion Mark
publisher |
2 |
Lions International
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Litografia Bacchetta snc - Albenga
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
LK Color Productions
publisher |
1 |
Lockheed Martin
airliner |
2 |
LOM PRAHA s.p., Czech Republic https://www.lompraha.cz |
airliner |
1 |
London Postal Region
publisher |
1 |
London Postcard Company http://londonpostcardcompany.co.uk |
publisher |
13 |
London’s Air Ambulance http://www.londonsairambulance.co.uk |
airliner |
3 |
Lorimer E. Brackett
publisher |
1 |
Lossz Trükk (probably made by Kristjan Kirss from Estonia)
publisher |
6 |
Lothian Helicopters http://www.lothianhelicopters.co.uk |
airliner |
2 |
LPU - Heliseco - Swidnik http://www.heliseco.pl |
airliner |
22 |
LRI Zenit Sportrepülo Egyesület
airliner |
1 |
Lubuskie Muzeum Wojskowe
publisher |
4 |
Luchtvaart Museum
publisher |
1 |
Luchtvaartthemapark Aviodrome, Lelystad http://www.aviodrome.nl |
publisher |
1 |
Luft und Raumfahrt Ind.
airliner |
2 |
Luftbild - Scheurecker
publisher |
2 |
Luftbildverlag Hans Bertram GmbH
publisher |
1 |
Luftfahrt-Verlag Walter Zuerl
publisher |
4 |
Luftfahrtmuseum Wernigerode https://www.luftfahrtmuseum-wernigerode.de/ |
unknown |
1 |
Lufthansa Technical Training http://www.ltt.aero |
airliner |
1 |
Luftsportfreunde Deutschland http://www.luftsport.de |
publisher |
1 |
Lufttransport AS https://www.lufttransport.no/ |
airliner |
1 |
Luftwaffe (Deutsche Luftwaffe / German Air Force) http://www.luftwaffe.de |
airliner |
2 |
Luftwaffe (Schweizer Luftwaffe / Swiss Air Force) http://www.luftwaffe.ch |
unknown |
1 |
Luoyang stamp company, China
publisher |
1 |
Lusterchrome made by Tichnor Bros., Inc.
publisher |
6 |
Luxembourg Air Rescue - LAR http://www.lar.lu |
airliner |
1 |
LYDD (London Ashford Airport) http://www.lydd-airport.co.uk |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
7 |
Lynton Aviation Ltd.
airliner |
2 |
Lys Editions Amatteis
publisher |
2 |
M&L National Series
publisher |
5 |
M. D. Paris
publisher |
4 |
M. Roussel, Photo-Editeur
publisher |
1 |
M. Shakib Bahrein
publisher |
1 |
M. Tanner (A transport postcard)
publisher |
1 |
M.G.S. Rotalfoto
publisher |
3 |
Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu (Finish Defence Academy) http://www.maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu.fi |
airliner |
1 |
Mach 1 Inc.
publisher |
46 |
MacLeod Estate (Dunvegan Castle) http://www.dunvegancastle.com/ |
publisher |
1 |
Maersk Helicopters
airliner |
2 |
Magnet Press Slovakia
publisher |
5 |
magrini s.r.l. (Argentina)
publisher |
1 |
Magyar Repüléstörténeti Társaság, Budapest http://www.mrt93.hu |
publisher |
4 |
Maidan Post
publisher |
4 |
Main Line Corp. (Manhandler Helicopter Dollies) http://www.helicopter-dolly.com |
airliner |
5 |
Mairie de Villeneuve d'Ascq
publisher |
1 |
Malta Air Charter
airliner |
10 |
Malta Aviation Museum Foundation
publisher |
3 |
MAMBA-AIR, s.r.o. http://www.mamba-air.cz |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
Manfred Schaper - Werbe- und Ansichtskartenverlag
publisher |
1 |
Manhattan Post Card Pub. Co.
publisher |
9 |
publisher |
1 |
Mannin Collections Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
MARC Distributing, Normal, IL (USA)
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
7 |
March Field Aviation Museum http://www.marchfield.org |
publisher |
2 |
March Helicopters Ltd.
airliner |
2 |
Marci (Cote D'Or ?)
publisher |
4 |
Marina Militare (Italian Navy) http://www.marina.difesa.it |
airliner |
7 |
Marine (German Navy) http://www.marine.de/ |
airliner |
2 |
Marine Helicopters Pty Ltd
airliner |
1 |
Marine Line Corp.
airliner |
1 |
Marine Nationale (French navy) http://www.defense.gouv.fr/marine |
airliner |
6 |
Marine Photos & Publishing Co.
publisher |
45 |
Marinefliegerdivision, Marinefliegerhorst
airliner |
1 |
Mariner Cove Trading Co.
publisher |
1 |
Marinslabens Tryckeri (Sweden)
publisher |
2 |
Mark Kelley http://www.markkelley.com |
publisher |
2 |
Marquis De Grouchy Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
Martin Kohout (Czech Republic)
publisher |
1 |
Martin Leissl
publisher |
1 |
Martin Sullivan https://www.martinsullivan.ch |
publisher |
2 |
Marvin Reese Companies Inc.
publisher |
4 |
Maryland Troopers Association https://mdtroopers.org |
airliner |
1 |
Marynarka Wojenna (Polish navy) http://www.mw.mil.pl |
airliner |
1 |
Masani's Ambient Media http://www.masani.com |
publisher |
1 |
Maschinostroenie (also Maschinostroenie, Moskau, Elbe-Dnjepr, Germany)
publisher |
14 |
Mastercraft Printers, Dayton, Ohio
publisher |
8 |
publisher |
1 |
Matias Photo Shop, San Juan, P. R.
publisher |
1 |
Maui Pacific Traders, a division of The Island ...
publisher |
1 |
Mauna Loa Helicopter Tours https://www.maunaloahelicoptertours.com |
airliner |
1 |
Mauna Loa Helicopters https://www.maunaloahelicopters.edu |
airliner |
1 |
Maverick Aviation Group http://www.flymaverick.com |
airliner |
28 |
publisher |
4 |
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
7 |
McDonnell Aircraft Company
airliner |
1 |
McDonnell Douglas
airliner |
9 |
McGrew Color Graphics
publisher |
6 |
MCHS, Russia http://www.mchs.gov.ru |
airliner |
8 |
Med-Trans Corporation http://www.med-trans.net |
airliner |
1 |
Medienhasu / Österreichisches Luftfahrtmuseum
publisher |
1 |
Melanesian (Melanesian Tourist Services), Madang, Papua New Guinea https://www.meltour.com |
publisher |
3 |
Memorial Hospital of Long Beech, California
publisher |
1 |
Mercator Brasil Turistico
publisher |
4 |
publisher |
1 |
Mercury, division of the Ford Motor Company
publisher |
1 |
Merely Motoring
publisher |
1 |
Meridian Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Merkel-verlag / Jens Merkel
publisher |
10 |
MERKUR POLICE o.p.s. http://www.merkurpolice.cz |
publisher |
3 |
Město Uherské Hradiště (city Uherské Hradiště, Czech Republic)
publisher |
1 |
Město Vyškov (Vyškov city, Czech Republic)
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
4 |
MFP paper s.r.o. http://www.mfp.cz |
publisher |
5 |
MHS - Helicopter-Flugservice München
airliner |
1 |
Miami Helicopter Service Inc.
airliner |
3 |
Mica Heliskiing http://www.micaheli.com |
airliner |
1 |
Microtone Viewcard
publisher |
3 |
Mid-South Productions
publisher |
1 |
MIDAIR PUBLICATIONS https://www.midairpublications.de |
publisher |
4 |
Midlands Air Ambulance Charity http://www.midlandsairambulance.com |
airliner |
148 |
Midwest Helicopter Airways, Inc. http://www.midwesthelicopter.com |
airliner |
1 |
Mike Roberts Cards
publisher |
5 |
Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing http://www.wiegele.com |
airliner |
17 |
Mikroregion Dolní Poolšaví http://www.dolnipoolsavi.cz |
publisher |
1 |
Militaire Luchtvaart Museum
publisher |
4 |
publisher |
1 |
Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr (Dresden, Germany) https://mhmbw.de/ |
unknown |
1 |
Militarkommando BURGENLAND
airliner |
3 |
Military Parade Ltd., Russia
publisher |
13 |
Million Air
airliner |
4 |
Milwaukee County Medical Complex
unknown |
1 |
Minaret Station Luxury Tented Lodge http://www.minaretstation.com |
publisher |
2 |
Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske (Ministry of Defence, Croatia) https://www.morh.hr |
unknown |
1 |
Ministerie van Defensie, Netherland
airliner |
6 |
Ministero Delle Politiche Agricole E Forestali
airliner |
1 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary
airliner |
1 |
Ministry of Defence, Czech Republic http://www.army.cz |
airliner |
16 |
Ministry of Defence, France http://www.defense.gouv.fr |
airliner |
2 |
Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom http://www.mod.uk |
airliner |
1 |
Ministry of National Defence Poland
airliner |
2 |
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of the People's Republic of China
publisher |
1 |
Minoan Lines
airliner |
1 |
Minuteman Aviation Inc. http://www.minutemanaviation.com |
airliner |
1 |
Mira Jordan
publisher |
1 |
Mirro-Krome Card
publisher |
10 |
Mission Aviation Fellowship
airliner |
1 |
Mitock Publishers Inc.
publisher |
18 |
Mitsubishi Motors
publisher |
1 |
MM Photodrucke GmbH
publisher |
2 |
MM Tiffany Design Las vegas
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
3 |
Modus Verticarft
airliner |
1 |
Molloy Souvenirs http://www.4molloy.com |
publisher |
2 |
MonacAir http://www.monacair.mc |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Monte-Copter, Inc.
airliner |
1 |
Morris & Associates Insurance Services, Inc.
unknown |
2 |
Mostly Postcards Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Motorflug Baden-Baden GmbH http://www.motorflug.com |
airliner |
1 |
mountainflyers http://www.mountainflyers.ch |
airliner |
8 |
publisher |
13 |
MPC Enterprises Inc.
publisher |
1 |
MRTC / Ozark Postcard Co., St. Louis
publisher |
1 |
MTS (Melanesian Tourist Services) http://www.mtspng.com |
publisher |
1 |
Multi-Media-Marketing GmbH
unknown |
1 |
Multigraf Terni
publisher |
1 |
Mumbai GPO Philatelic Bureau of India Post
publisher |
1 |
Mundial Com. de Postais Ltda.
publisher |
4 |
Murray King
publisher |
8 |
Murray Views
publisher |
19 |
Murrhead Vactric Components Ltd. http://www.muirheadvactric.com |
airliner |
1 |
Museo Del Aire
airliner |
3 |
Museo dell' Aviazione http://www.museoaviazione.com |
publisher |
1 |
Museu Do Ar
publisher |
6 |
Museum of Army Flying
publisher |
8 |
Museum of Berkshire Avn.
publisher |
1 |
Museums u. Galerie-Verlag Berlin
publisher |
2 |
Mutoscope (Exhibit Co, Aviation Series)
publisher |
9 |
Muzeum Regionalne w Dębicy (Regional Museum, Dębic, Poland) http://www.muzeumwdebicy.pl |
unknown |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
N.P.O., Belfast, Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
N.Z. Postcards
publisher |
1 |
Nadace letecké historické společnosti Vyškov http://www.lhs-vyskov.cz |
publisher |
8 |
Nakladatelství a vydavatelství Spolek přátel čs. opevnění Brno, s.r.o.
publisher |
1 |
Nakladatelství Dr. Radovan Rebstöck
publisher |
1 |
Nakladatelství Naše vojsko
publisher |
5 |
Nakladatelství Orbis
publisher |
28 |
Nakladatelství Panorama
publisher |
1 |
Nakladatelství PressFoto
publisher |
20 |
Nakladatelství Svépomoc
publisher |
1 |
Nakladatelstvo Pravda
publisher |
10 |
Nanou Diffusion
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Narsarsuaq Lufthavn
airliner |
1 |
airliner |
6 |
National Aerospace Laboratory, Japan (canceled) http://www.nal.go.jp |
airliner |
1 |
National Air & Space Museum
publisher |
3 |
National Biscuit Company, New York
publisher |
4 |
National Helicopter Inc.
airliner |
1 |
National Interagency Fire Center http://www.nifc.gov |
airliner |
1 |
National Postal Museum, London
publisher |
1 |
National Road Safety Council of South Afrrica
publisher |
1 |
National View by Murfett Pty. Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
Nationl Foto Persbureau
publisher |
1 |
Natural Color Productions Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
Naval Aviation Museum Foundation (Pensacola, Florida) https://navalaviationfoundation.org |
unknown |
1 |
Navarino Flight Services
airliner |
1 |
NBC Inc., Japan
publisher |
2 |
Nester’s Map and Guide Corp.
publisher |
1 |
New Direction Design Concepts
publisher |
1 |
New England Air Museum, Wells Enterprises
publisher |
1 |
New Horizons Aviation Inc.
airliner |
1 |
New York Airways
airliner |
7 |
New York Helicopter
airliner |
1 |
New York Periodical Distributors, Inc.
publisher |
3 |
New Zealand Cards'
publisher |
1 |
newbiecard (Denmark) http://www.newbiecard.dk |
publisher |
1 |
News Channel 3 KTVK-TV
airliner |
1 |
News Productions
publisher |
2 |
NH Industries http://www.nhindustries.com |
airliner |
2 |
Niagara Aerospace Museum
unknown |
1 |
Niagara Helicopters Ltd. http://www.niagarahelicopters.com |
airliner |
10 |
Nihon Giken Co., Ltd.
unknown |
3 |
Niihau Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Nike ACG http://www.nikeacg.com |
unknown |
1 |
NISA AIR spol. s r.o. https://www.nisaair.cz |
airliner |
2 |
Niu "Narodna Armija", Beograd
publisher |
1 |
Noel Tatt Ltd.
publisher |
9 |
Noordhoff's Fotodrukind
publisher |
2 |
Norfolk & Suffolk Aviation Museum http://www.aviationmuseum.net |
publisher |
4 |
Normans Kunstforlag A.S.
publisher |
1 |
Norrlandsflyg AB
airliner |
2 |
Norsk Luftambulanse http://www.norskluftambulanse.no |
airliner |
5 |
North Australian Trading Co. Pty. Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
North Scottish Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
North West Air Ambulance
airliner |
4 |
Northern Territory Souvenirs Pty. Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
Northtrop Grumman
publisher |
1 |
Nouvelles Images http://www.nouvellesimages.com |
publisher |
3 |
Novalogic Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Novinsko-informativni centar "Vojska"
publisher |
1 |
NPC Edition (Czech Republic)
publisher |
1 |
NTM (New Tribes Mission) http://www.ntm.org |
unknown |
1 |
Nucolorvue Productions Pty. Ltd. (Nu-color-vue)
publisher |
4 |
O'Brien Color Studios
publisher |
1 |
ÖAMTC, Austria http://www.oamtc.at |
airliner |
4 |
Obecný úrad Donovaly http://www.donovaly.sk |
publisher |
1 |
Objectif Océans
publisher |
1 |
Ocean Springs Distributors. Inc,
publisher |
1 |
Official NASA Film
publisher |
1 |
Okayama Police
airliner |
1 |
OKC, Czech Republic http://okc.dmm.cz |
publisher |
10 |
Olympic Avaition http://www.olav.gr |
airliner |
1 |
Optique Sociale - Genlis
publisher |
6 |
Organizzazione PRESS ITALIA - Roma
publisher |
1 |
Oriental City Publishing Group
publisher |
18 |
OSF - Saint Francis Medical Center
publisher |
3 |
Ostermans Aero
airliner |
1 |
Ouest-Aviation - Relations Publiques
airliner |
2 |
Outdoor Photo
publisher |
4 |
Outrigger https://www.outrigger.com |
publisher |
1 |
Oxford Air Training School
airliner |
2 |
Ozark Helicopters Inc.
airliner |
3 |
P&J Willmott - Enterprise Postcards
publisher |
4 |
P. Ledermann, Wien
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
PAD Werbeagentur GmbH
publisher |
1 |
Paige Creations
publisher |
1 |
Pakistan International Airlines
airliner |
2 |
Pan Am
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Pappilon Grand Canyon Helicopters http://www.papillon.com |
airliner |
17 |
Paradise Helicopters https://www.paradisecopters.com |
airliner |
6 |
Paramount Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Paris Helicoptere http://www.paris-helicoptere.com |
airliner |
4 |
publisher |
1 |
Parlin Color Co.
publisher |
11 |
Parma Press, Warszawa
publisher |
1 |
Paul B. Lowney
publisher |
2 |
Paul Catchpole Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
PCards http://www.pcards.ru |
publisher |
1 |
Pebble Island Projects
publisher |
2 |
PEER Productions
publisher |
6 |
Pelita Air http://www.pelita-air.com |
airliner |
1 |
Penn State, The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
unknown |
1 |
Pennine Helicopters Ltd. http://www.penninehelis.co.uk |
publisher |
3 |
publisher |
1 |
PermaJet (printer) http://www.permajet.com |
publisher |
3 |
Perry Flying Center http://www.perryflyingcenter.com |
airliner |
1 |
Peterborough Post Card Co.
publisher |
2 |
Petley Studios
publisher |
7 |
PG Original
publisher |
1 |
PH Topics
publisher |
3 |
Phalsbourg Heli-Air Show http://www.phalsbourg-heli-airshow.com |
publisher |
4 |
Philippe Broisin
publisher |
2 |
Phillips Petroleum
unknown |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
Photo "Matterhorn" Zermatt
publisher |
1 |
Photo Abdallah, South Lebanon
publisher |
1 |
Photo Air Extreme-Orient
publisher |
1 |
Photo Arts
publisher |
1 |
Photo E. Gyger http://wwwgygerphoto.ch |
publisher |
2 |
Photo Erich Spahn, Grafenwöhr/Opf., Am Lager
publisher |
1 |
Photo Klopfenstein AG Adelboden http://www.photo-klopfenstein.ch |
publisher |
6 |
Photo Precision Ltd.
publisher |
7 |
Photo Publishing Company
publisher |
12 |
Photo-Dienst Helgoland
publisher |
1 |
Photo-Matic Corp.
publisher |
1 |
Photo-Quedens (Foto-Quedens)
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
Photoglob http://www.photoglob.ch |
publisher |
9 |
Photohaus Geiger, Flims-Waldhaus
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
PhotoSafari (Pvt) Ltd., Zimbabwe
publisher |
6 |
Piazzai Models s.a.s.
airliner |
1 |
Pictorial Publications Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
Piece of the Rainbow
publisher |
6 |
Pikes Peak Post Card Co.
publisher |
2 |
Pilots Pals
publisher |
1 |
Pilsner Urquell
unknown |
1 |
PINI Modena
publisher |
3 |
Plaizier http://www.plaizier.be |
publisher |
5 |
Plane Views
publisher |
2 |
Planet-Verlag Berlin
publisher |
1 |
Planinsko Društvo Celje
publisher |
1 |
Planinsko Društvo Jezersko
publisher |
1 |
Planinsko Društvo Kranj
publisher |
3 |
Plastichrome Boston
publisher |
1 |
Plastichrome Canada
publisher |
4 |
Plastichrome, Colorpictures Publishers, Inc.
publisher |
59 |
Platow's Kunstanstalt
publisher |
1 |
Plurigraf Terni
publisher |
2 |
Pnerod/Hawatha Co.
publisher |
1 |
Poczta Polska (Polish Post Office) http://www.poczta-polska.pl |
publisher |
23 |
Polarpost-Sammlerverein Bielefeld e.V.
publisher |
1 |
Police Aviation News http://www.policeaviationnews.com |
airliner |
2 |
Police Federale / Federale Politie (Belgium Police) http://www.polfed-fedpol.be |
airliner |
1 |
Policie České republiky (Police of the Czech Republic) http://www.mvcr.cz |
airliner |
12 |
Policrom S.p.A. - Roma
publisher |
3 |
Polish Aviation Museum http://www.muzeumlotnictwa.pl |
publisher |
1 |
Politie (Netherlands Police)
airliner |
3 |
Polizei Baden-Württemberg http://www.polizei-bw.de |
airliner |
1 |
Polizei Niedersachsen
airliner |
1 |
Polizia di Stato (Italian Police)
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
4 |
Porte-Avions Foch
publisher |
5 |
Porte-hélicopteres Jeanne d'Arc
airliner |
1 |
Portuguese Air Force http://www.emfa.pt |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
9 |
Post Greenland http://www.stamps.gl |
publisher |
5 |
Post Office
publisher |
1 |
Postais de Minas http://www.postaisdeminas.com.br |
publisher |
1 |
Postais do Brasil
publisher |
4 |
Postal Color Corp.
publisher |
3 |
Postal Shop (Russia) http://www.postal-shop.ru |
publisher |
2 |
Postales Gómez J. (Jesús Gómez), Granada, Espana
publisher |
3 |
Postcard Interactive Company of Sydney (PICS) http://postcard.pics-sydney.com.au |
publisher |
35 |
publisher |
1 |
Postcardsmarket http://postcardsmarket.com |
publisher |
3 |
Poste Italiane - Filatelia https://www.poste.it/ |
publisher |
9 |
posterXXL http://www.posterxxl.de |
publisher |
1 |
POSTIMUSEO (Postal Museum, Finland) http://www.postimuseo.fi |
publisher |
1 |
Postkartenverlag Infra-Color, Linz
publisher |
1 |
Postverkets Tryckeri
publisher |
1 |
Pošta Slovenije http://www.posta.si |
publisher |
1 |
Poznański Klub Kolekcjonerów Lotniczych
publisher |
6 |
PPH Petr Šimera
publisher |
1 |
Precision Helicopters http://www.precisionhelicopters.com.au |
airliner |
1 |
PremiAir http://www.premiair.co.uk |
airliner |
3 |
Premium Card http://www.premiumcard.ru |
publisher |
3 |
Prescott Pickup Srs.
publisher |
37 |
Presse Edition Communication (PEC)
publisher |
1 |
prim service, Metz http://www.primservice.fr |
publisher |
1 |
Print Productions Ursem
publisher |
1 |
Prinz Bräu Crespellano S.p.A. - Crespeliano
publisher |
1 |
Pro Belpmoos http://www.probelpmoos.ch |
publisher |
13 |
publisher |
1 |
Products4u s.r.o. http://www.army4u.cz |
publisher |
1 |
Promotion Granbom, Tryckkammaren AB
publisher |
4 |
Propagteam (now Aeroteam) http://www.propagteam.cz |
publisher |
9 |
Provence Aero Service
airliner |
4 |
Przemyslaw Chorazykiewicz http://www.higherthanjumbojets.pl |
publisher |
53 |
PTT Cartophilie
publisher |
1 |
PTTK (Poland)
publisher |
1 |
Publicard Torino
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Publintel - Barcelona
publisher |
1 |
Puka Park Helitours
airliner |
2 |
Purcell Helicopter Skiing Ltd. http://www.purcellhelicopterskiing.com |
airliner |
2 |
publisher |
6 |
publisher |
27 |
PZL Świdnik S.A. http://www.pzl.swidnik.pl |
airliner |
25 |
Q.S. Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Quark Expeditions http://www.quarkexpeditions.com |
publisher |
3 |
R- Douglas (Chemists) Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
R. L. Donaldson, Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
R. Peichär
publisher |
1 |
R. Seymour Mills
publisher |
4 |
RAAF Museum Point Cook
publisher |
1 |
Radio Japan
airliner |
1 |
Radio Miami (WGBS)
publisher |
1 |
Radio Vaticana
publisher |
1 |
RAFA - The Royal Air Forces Association http://www.rafa.org.uk |
publisher |
5 |
RAFB Museum (Robins Air Force Base)
publisher |
1 |
RAFBF Enterprises
publisher |
2 |
Raidy Printing Group s.a.l. http://www.raidy.com |
publisher |
1 |
Rainbow Pacific Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Ralph Fegan
publisher |
2 |
RAN Fleet Air Arm
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd. - Tuck's Post Card
publisher |
1 |
Rapid Air
airliner |
1 |
RCE Heli Securite http://www.nova.fr/rce/index.htm |
airliner |
1 |
READY-FOR-TAKE-OFF.DE / Dr. Bettina Schleidt / private issue http://ready-for-take-off.de |
unknown |
1 |
Real Photo Production
publisher |
1 |
Real Photographs
publisher |
40 |
Red Hot Politics https://redhotpolitics.com |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
Reflections of a Bygone Age
publisher |
1 |
Rega http://www.rega.ch |
airliner |
191 |
Reggiori (Fotostampa Reggiori)
publisher |
8 |
publisher |
1 |
REGIONKAMERA http://regionkamera.cz |
publisher |
1 |
Rejonowy urzad poczty w Lublinie
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
17 |
ReproWings http://www.reprowings.com |
publisher |
2 |
Republic Aviation Corp.
airliner |
3 |
Restart Plus Co. Ltd
publisher |
14 |
Reunion Air Service
airliner |
2 |
Revi Publications http://www.revi.cz |
publisher |
23 |
Revolution Helicopter Corp.
airliner |
1 |
Rex Photo Service
publisher |
1 |
Rezavá vrtule
publisher |
1 |
RGB-Video http://www.flugvideo.ch |
publisher |
1 |
Rhode Island Development Council, Providence, R. I.
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Richard Blake Post Cards
publisher |
1 |
Richard Hartmier Photography
publisher |
1 |
Richard Nixon Foundation https://www.nixonfoundation.org |
publisher |
1 |
Ripley Entertainment Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Rivista Aeronautica (aviation magazine of Ministry of Defence, Italia) http://www.aeronautica.difesa.it/comunicazione/editoria/rivaeronautica/Pagine/default.aspx |
publisher |
1 |
Rivista Militare (Edizione Rivista Militare)
publisher |
6 |
RNLI - Royal National Lifeboat Institution
publisher |
6 |
Road Runner Card Co.
publisher |
3 |
publisher |
1 |
Robert Fouseau
publisher |
1 |
Robert Fuchs AG http://www.fuchs.ch |
airliner |
2 |
Robert Gretzyngier(private issue)
publisher |
1 |
Robert H. Hurst
publisher |
8 |
Robert Helminiak (private issue)
publisher |
6 |
Robert Opie
publisher |
1 |
Robinson Helicopter Company http://www.robinsonheli.com |
airliner |
1 |
Rocky Mountain Helicopters, Inc.
airliner |
1 |
Rodair Helicopteres
airliner |
1 |
Rodolpho Machado fotografia http://www.rodolphomachado.com.br |
publisher |
1 |
Rohlfs Dist. Co.
publisher |
1 |
Rolf Müller
publisher |
3 |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Rose Helicopter AG http://www.roseheli.ch |
airliner |
2 |
Rose Stereograph Co.
publisher |
1 |
Rotalcolor - Rotalfoto
publisher |
8 |
publisher |
1 |
Rotary Wing Aircraft Service Inc.
airliner |
1 |
Rotex Helicopter AG http://www.rotex-helicopter.ch |
airliner |
7 |
RotorMotion http://www.rotormotion.com |
airliner |
3 |
ROTORVOX http://www.rotorvox.com |
airliner |
1 |
Rotterdam Airport / Communication Service Group
airliner |
1 |
Rowe Distributing Company
publisher |
8 |
Royal Air Force http://www.raf.mod.uk |
airliner |
3 |
Royal Air Force Museum Hendon
publisher |
2 |
Royal Air Force Shawbury http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafshawbury/ |
airliner |
1 |
Royal Arts
publisher |
1 |
Royal Australian Navy
airliner |
1 |
Royal Canadian Navy
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
3 |
Royal Malaysian Navy http://maf.mod.gov.my/navy/ |
airliner |
1 |
Royal Naval Barracks, Portsmouth
publisher |
2 |
Royal Navy http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk |
airliner |
4 |
Royal Nepal Airlines
airliner |
1 |
Royal New Zealand Air Force
airliner |
5 |
Royal New Zealand Navy http://www.navy.mil.nz |
airliner |
4 |
Royal Pacific Traders
publisher |
2 |
Royal Wings (Jordan Royal Wings)
airliner |
2 |
Rud. Suter AG
publisher |
5 |
Rüdisühli Heli Group
airliner |
5 |
Rupp Aircraft GmbH & Co. KG https://www.rupp-aircraft.com |
airliner |
5 |
Rushmore Helicopter Inc.
airliner |
2 |
Russian Ministry of Communications (USSR era)
airliner |
7 |
Russian Post http://www.pochta.ru |
publisher |
1 |
Ryfas Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Ryfas-Heliservice B.V.
airliner |
2 |
S. B. P.
publisher |
1 |
S. C. Turbomecanica S.A.
airliner |
1 |
S.A.C. Roma
publisher |
3 |
publisher |
4 |
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
S.P. Helicopter Service GmbH
airliner |
2 |
S.T.E.F - Firenze
publisher |
2 |
Sabah Air http://www.sabahair.com.my |
airliner |
5 |
airliner |
10 |
Sabena (supporters)
publisher |
15 |
Safair Freighters
airliner |
1 |
Safari Helicopters http://www.safarihelicopters.com |
airliner |
3 |
Safran http://www.safran-helicopter-engines.com |
airliner |
1 |
Sahamongkol Film International http://www.mongkolfilm.com |
publisher |
1 |
Saint Francis Hospital
publisher |
1 |
Saint Joseph Hospital
publisher |
2 |
Salt Air http://www.saltair.co.nz |
airliner |
1 |
Salt Meadow Publishers
publisher |
3 |
Sanderson & Dixon
publisher |
1 |
Sandown & Shanklin Independent Lifeboat
publisher |
1 |
Santa Lucia Studio & Design
publisher |
1 |
SaxonAir http://www.saxonair.com |
airliner |
1 |
Sběratel.Info www.sberatel.info |
publisher |
2 |
Scenic Helicopter Tours http://www.scenichelicopters.com |
airliner |
1 |
Schaltzeit Verlag http://schaltzeitverlag.de |
publisher |
1 |
Schätz http://www.schaetz.biz |
airliner |
4 |
Schmorl & von Seefeld Nachf.
publisher |
1 |
Schöning & Co + Gebrüder Schmidt
publisher |
11 |
Schöning Verlag / Schöning GmbH
publisher |
1 |
School Mart
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
Schweizer Armee (Swiss Army) http://www.armee.ch |
airliner |
8 |
Schweizerische Rettungsflug
airliner |
2 |
Science Museum, London https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk |
publisher |
1 |
Scope Enterprises
publisher |
1 |
Scot Air Postcards
publisher |
1 |
Sea Shepherd Australia https://www.seashepherd.org.au |
unknown |
1 |
Sea World Helicopters
airliner |
3 |
Sea World Property Trust
airliner |
1 |
Seagull Airways
airliner |
3 |
Seaich Card & Souvenir Co.
publisher |
2 |
Seid's Restaurant and Marine Lounge, Oregon City, Oregon
publisher |
1 |
Seidel Verlag, Göttingen http://www.seidelverlag.biz |
publisher |
1 |
Selkirk Tangiers Helicopter Skiing Ltd. http://www.selkirk-tangiers.com |
airliner |
4 |
Selsdon Park Hotel
publisher |
1 |
Seminole Postcards, Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Service Information "Air"
publisher |
2 |
Service national de la Protection Civile -Ministére de l'Intérieur
airliner |
1 |
Servizio Documentazione E Relazioni Pubbliche VV.F. - Roma
publisher |
2 |
Seth Communications
publisher |
8 |
Sgc. Pellizzari - Sirpa Air
publisher |
1 |
Shalimar Gallup, New Mexico
publisher |
1 |
Shephard (The Shephard Group) http://www.shephard.co.uk |
publisher |
1 |
Sheringham Museum Trust
publisher |
1 |
Shin Sung Souvenir Co. http://www.shinsunginc.com |
publisher |
3 |
Shoreham Airport (Brighton & Hove and Worthing Joint Municipal Airport)
publisher |
5 |
SIGN Colour Slides & Prints
publisher |
1 |
Signature Imports
publisher |
1 |
Sikorsky Aircraft http://www.sikorsky.com |
airliner |
17 |
Silberne Sales, Inc.
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
10 |
Simplon Postcards
publisher |
1 |
Simrik Airlines http://www.simrikair.com |
airliner |
2 |
Sky Lark Helicopters
airliner |
5 |
Sky Postcards
publisher |
1 |
Sky Project Helicopters http://www.sky-project.com |
airliner |
3 |
Sky Service http://www.sky-service.com.kz |
airliner |
1 |
Sky Sign, Inc.
unknown |
1 |
Skyline Helicopter
airliner |
1 |
Slingair Heliwork WA http://www.slingair.com.au |
airliner |
5 |
Sloane Helicopters http://www.sloanemallorca.com |
airliner |
5 |
Slovak Government Flying Service
airliner |
2 |
Slovenské technické múzeum / Múzeum letectva Košice http://www.stm-ke.sk/index.php/sk/muzeum-letectva |
publisher |
1 |
SME - Uff. Propaganda
publisher |
2 |
Smith Aerial Surveys & Associates
publisher |
1 |
Smith's Sundry Store / Smith's Drug Sundry Store, Ozark, Alabama
publisher |
17 |
Smith-Southwestern, Inc. (SSI)
publisher |
8 |
Smith-Western Co.
publisher |
6 |
Smokejumper Welfare Fund
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Societa Delle Giude Di Courmayeur
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
SolitAir http://www.solitairhelicopters.com.au |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
2 |
Solopan Film Centrum - firma dystrybucyjna
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
5 |
publisher |
1 |
South Pier of Yokohama
publisher |
1 |
South Sea Helicopters, Inc.
airliner |
1 |
South Yorkshire Police Air Support Unit http://www.southyorks.police.uk |
airliner |
1 |
Southern Card and Novelty / Southern Card & Novelty
publisher |
3 |
Southern Lakes Helicopters http://www.southernlakeshelicopters.co.nz |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
55 |
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
Spearhead Ltd. / PGI - Spearhead Ltd. / Spearhead Exhibition Ltd.
unknown |
2 |
SPHAIR http://www.sphair.ch |
airliner |
4 |
Spiratone (RPPC)
publisher |
1 |
Squadron Prints Ltd, Glasgow
publisher |
13 |
St. Benedict's Hospice
publisher |
2 |
St. Louis Greeting Card Co.
publisher |
1 |
Stab. L. Salomone - Roma
publisher |
4 |
Stab. Rotalfoto
publisher |
2 |
Staffordshire Police & West Mercia Police
airliner |
1 |
Stam b.v.
publisher |
3 |
publisher |
1 |
Star Helicopters http://www.star-helicopters.com |
airliner |
1 |
Starspeed Ltd. https://www.starspeed.co.uk |
airliner |
1 |
State Postal Bureau (China)
publisher |
44 |
Stato Maggiore Aeronautica
airliner |
2 |
Stato Maggiore Della Marina
publisher |
16 |
Stato Maggiore Difesa
airliner |
2 |
Stato Maggiore Esercito
airliner |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
Steen-Media (Ole Steen Hansen)
publisher |
1 |
Stenlake & McCourt
publisher |
1 |
Sterling Paper Products
publisher |
1 |
Sterling Photos
publisher |
1 |
Sterner Aero AB
airliner |
1 |
Stichting Uit het Woord der Waarheid http://www.uithetwoordderwaarheid.nl |
publisher |
1 |
STICK s.r.o. http://www.army4U.cz |
publisher |
4 |
Stil trade s.r.o. http://www.stil.cz |
publisher |
1 |
Stilgrafica Roma
publisher |
16 |
Stimmgraf - verona
publisher |
1 |
Stoeckel & Co.
publisher |
1 |
Stoja-Verlag Paul Janke
publisher |
3 |
Stork Fokker AESP http://www.stork.com |
airliner |
1 |
Streitkräfteamt (Bundeswehr) http://www.bund.de/DE/Behoerden/S/SKA/Streitkraefteamt.html |
airliner |
1 |
Streitkrafteamt der Bundeswehr
airliner |
1 |
Streitkräfteführungskommando (Austrian Army)
airliner |
5 |
Strykers' Western Fotocolor, Artist Photographers
publisher |
8 |
Studio 88 Ltd. & RAF Museum
airliner |
3 |
Studio ADR
publisher |
1 |
Studio CPC
publisher |
2 |
STUDIO GAP http://www.studio-gap.de |
publisher |
1 |
Studio Strugar http://www.strugar.co.yu |
publisher |
1 |
Stumböck Club (Club Reisen Stumböck GmbH & Co. KG) http://www.stumboeck.com |
airliner |
1 |
Sud Promotion
publisher |
2 |
Sud-Aviation, Service d'information
airliner |
16 |
SUD-OUEST (Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du SUD-OUEST)
airliner |
2 |
Suisse Imprimerie
publisher |
1 |
Summit Aviation http://www.summitjet.com |
airliner |
1 |
Summit Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Sun-Air Aviation http://www.sun-air.com |
airliner |
1 |
Sunbeam Photo Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
Sundance Helicopters, Las Vegas Nevada http://www.sundancehelicopters.com |
airliner |
2 |
Sunshine Helicopters http://www.sunshinehelicopters.com |
airliner |
14 |
Suola Militare di Paracadutismo
airliner |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
Sussex Police http://www.sussex.police.uk |
airliner |
1 |
Sutter Druck AG Grindelwald
publisher |
1 |
Svaz letců ČR 2. odbočka Svazu letců ing. Jana Kašpara, Pardubice
airliner |
1 |
Svenska Marinen (Royal Swedish Navy)
airliner |
1 |
Svenska Naturkort
publisher |
2 |
unknown |
1 |
Swidnicki Klub Kolkecjonerów
publisher |
2 |
Swiss Helicopter AG http://www.swisshelicopter.ch |
airliner |
38 |
Swiss Hélicopteres http://www.swisshelico.ch |
airliner |
3 |
Swiss Jet Ltd. http://www.swiss-jet.ch |
airliner |
2 |
Swiss Post http://www.postshop.ch |
publisher |
1 |
Swiss Skyways Services AG http://www.swiss-skyways.com/ |
airliner |
9 |
Swissair Photo AG
publisher |
4 |
publisher |
3 |
Sydney G. Hughes Pty. Ltd.
publisher |
7 |
Sydney Helicopters http://www.sydneyhelicopters.com.au |
airliner |
2 |
Świdnicki Klub Kolekcjonera w Świdniku
publisher |
8 |
T&H Distributors
publisher |
1 |
T. & A. E. Lawson
publisher |
1 |
Table Rock Helicopters, Inc.
airliner |
3 |
Tacombi (restaurant) https://www.tacombi.com |
unknown |
1 |
publisher |
4 |
Tallahassee Memorial Reginal Medical Center, Tallahassee, Florida
unknown |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
Tasmanian Air Rescue Trust http://www.tasmanianairrescuetrust.org |
airliner |
1 |
Tasmanian Postcards & Souvenirs
publisher |
2 |
Tawes Photographic, Crisfield, MD
publisher |
1 |
Taxiway Aviation Postcards
publisher |
5 |
publisher |
2 |
Team Merlin
airliner |
2 |
TECH-MONT s.r.o. http://www.techmont.sk |
airliner |
1 |
Technik Museum Speyer https://speyer.technik-museum.de |
publisher |
2 |
Télé 7 Jours
unknown |
1 |
Tempus Publishing
publisher |
1 |
Temsco Helicopters, Inc. http://www.temscoair.com |
airliner |
1 |
Thailand Post (official) https://www.thailandpost.co.th/ |
publisher |
2 |
Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance Trust
airliner |
3 |
Thatcher Winger Associates Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
The Bicentennial Air Show, RAAF Base Richmond, NSW
airliner |
1 |
The Big Country Picture Company Pty., Ltd. (TBCPC)
publisher |
3 |
The Camera Shop, Lake Park, FL
publisher |
1 |
The Card Shop, Selsey
publisher |
1 |
The Collotype Co., Elizabeth, N.J. and N.Y.
publisher |
1 |
The Company of Military Historians
publisher |
1 |
The Fire Service College http://www.fireservicecollege.ac.uk |
publisher |
1 |
The Flying Bulls http://www.flyingbulls.com |
airliner |
4 |
The Golden Series (Ed. The Golden Series)
publisher |
4 |
The Great North Air Ambulance Service http://www.greatnorthairambulance.co.uk |
airliner |
2 |
The Helicopter Museum (The International Helicopter Museum) http://www.helicoptermuseum.co.uk |
publisher |
5 |
The Helicopter Museum Weston-super-Mare
publisher |
1 |
The Islander Group https://www.islandergroup.com |
publisher |
2 |
The Isle of Pabay Mail
publisher |
1 |
The L.L. Cook Co.
publisher |
4 |
The Lens Unlimited
publisher |
1 |
The Lux Co.
airliner |
1 |
The Lynn Tait Gallery
publisher |
4 |
The New Zealand Souvenir Company Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
The Peninsula Hong Kong http://www.peninsula.com/Hong_Kong/en/default.aspx |
publisher |
1 |
The Picture Postcard Company UK
publisher |
1 |
The Pine Trees Hotel (Tayside, Scotland)
publisher |
1 |
The Pompadour Gallery
publisher |
2 |
The Postcard Company Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
THE POSTCARD FACTORY (Canada) http://www.pcfsouvenirs.com |
publisher |
8 |
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
publisher |
1 |
The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund
airliner |
1 |
The Royal Greenland Trade Dept. / Polar Card
publisher |
2 |
The Royal Scottish Museum
publisher |
2 |
The Scheller Co., Hackettstown, N.J.
publisher |
1 |
The Science Museum, London
publisher |
2 |
The Sea-Chest
publisher |
1 |
The Shetland Times Ltd.
publisher |
2 |
The Spinnaker Tower http://www.spinnakertower.co.uk |
publisher |
1 |
The West Australian Newspaper
publisher |
1 |
The West Yorkshire Police
airliner |
1 |
Thought Factory
publisher |
5 |
Tien-Shan Travel http://www.tien-shan.com |
publisher |
1 |
Tikaret Kartpostaliari/ Photo Turkey
publisher |
1 |
Tiki Card
publisher |
15 |
Tipografica Cremona Nuova / E. Propaganda S.M.A.
publisher |
4 |
Tipolitografia Martini
publisher |
1 |
Tipolitografia Pradella
publisher |
2 |
TLH Heliskiing http://www.tlhheliskiing.com |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
3 |
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department - Aviation Unit
airliner |
10 |
Tom Kirkland (Florence Air/Missile Museum)
publisher |
3 |
Tony Bray / E.T.W. Dennis
publisher |
2 |
top (TipoOffsetPistone)
publisher |
3 |
Torbay Aircraft Museum
publisher |
6 |
Torbay Amareur Radio Society http://www.tars.org.uk |
publisher |
1 |
TOTAL (oil company)
unknown |
1 |
Touraine Helicoptere
airliner |
2 |
Touring International Photo Agency, Annecy
publisher |
1 |
Tourism and Cultural Service Unit, South Somenrset District Council
publisher |
1 |
Tous Droits Reserves
publisher |
1 |
unknown |
1 |
Trans Pacific Souveniers
publisher |
3 |
Transporta Chrudim
airliner |
1 |
Traub Co.
publisher |
5 |
Travelpic Publications
publisher |
6 |
publisher |
2 |
trendprint.net http://www.trendprint.net |
publisher |
2 |
Trent Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Tres Fronteiras
publisher |
3 |
TriStar Pictures, Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Tristar Sales, Inc.
publisher |
1 |
Tropic Postcards
publisher |
2 |
Troutbeck Press
publisher |
3 |
Trumble Photography
publisher |
1 |
Truppe für Operative Information (Bundeswehr)
publisher |
26 |
Trust "Arcticugol"
publisher |
1 |
Trustees of the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences
publisher |
1 |
TS Games
publisher |
7 |
TSS Nijkerk http://www.tss-nijkerk.nl |
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
Turistička Štampa - Beograd
publisher |
2 |
Turistički savez Novi Sad
publisher |
1 |
Turnstone Gifts
publisher |
1 |
Turnstone Studio
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
type art satz&grafik GmbH http://www.typeart-dortmund.de |
publisher |
1 |
Tyrolean Air Ambulance
airliner |
1 |
Tyrolean Airways
airliner |
3 |
U.S. Air Force Recruiting Service (HQ AFRES)
airliner |
2 |
U.S. Allegiance
publisher |
74 |
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
airliner |
2 |
U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)
airliner |
3 |
Udo Schaefer Publications - Flite-Line
publisher |
2 |
Ugostiteljsko poduzece Kaštelanska rivijera" Kaštel Stari
publisher |
1 |
Uitgave Best
publisher |
1 |
Uknown set (GB, maybe private)
publisher |
4 |
publisher |
2 |
Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant http://www.uuaz.ru |
airliner |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
Ulrich Walthert
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
Uncle Da Postcards / IDW http://www.postcard.idv.tw/ |
publisher |
1 |
airliner |
1 |
Uniklinik RWTH Aachen https://www.ukaachen.de |
unknown |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Union Française de l'Hélicoptere http://www.ufh.fr |
publisher |
5 |
Union Printing S.p.A., Viterbo
publisher |
3 |
United Souvenir & Apparel, Inc.
publisher |
2 |
Universal Ship Cancellation Society
publisher |
6 |
UniversalMail Ltd. http://www.universalmailnz.com |
publisher |
2 |
Universitätsklinikum Steglitz
publisher |
1 |
University Greetings, Inc.
publisher |
2 |
University Medical Center (UMS), Tucson, Arizona
unknown |
1 |
Unknown (Aberdeen Airport set)
publisher |
6 |
Unknown Chinese set (1)
publisher |
4 |
Unknown Chinese set (2)
publisher |
5 |
Unknown Chinese set (3)
publisher |
6 |
Unknown japan/china publisher
publisher |
2 |
Unknown mongolian set
publisher |
2 |
Unknown private (?) publisher (Kodak Paper / PHOTO POST CARD)
publisher |
2 |
Unknown publisher (fake airliner cards)
publisher |
14 |
Upper Limit Aviation http://www.ulaheli.com |
airliner |
3 |
Upper Michigan Card Co.
publisher |
1 |
US Army Aviation Museum
publisher |
1 |
US Naval Reserves http://www.navy-reserve-jobs.com |
publisher |
2 |
USS Lexington On The Bay http://www.usslexington.com |
publisher |
1 |
USSR Communication Ministry
airliner |
18 |
UTair https://www.utair.ru |
airliner |
6 |
Uzbekistan Airways http://www.uzairways.com |
airliner |
1 |
Václav Šesták (private issue)
publisher |
1 |
Valentine & Sons Ltd.
publisher |
3 |
Valentine's Australia
publisher |
3 |
Valley Oil Co http://www.valleyoilco.com |
airliner |
1 |
Van Der Meulen Sneek
publisher |
7 |
Van Leer
publisher |
13 |
Van Leer's Fotodruking N.V.
publisher |
1 |
Västgöta flygflottilj (former Swedish Air Force wing)
airliner |
1 |
Vauxhall (car company)
publisher |
1 |
Veloprint Roma
publisher |
2 |
Venus Agency, Pakistan
publisher |
2 |
vera fotografia
publisher |
7 |
Verband Niedersächsischer Philatelistenvereine e. V.
publisher |
1 |
Verkehrshaus der Schweiz (Swiss Transport Museum), Luzern
publisher |
5 |
Verlag "Für Kunstfreunde" KG
publisher |
1 |
Verlag A. Hermann & Co.
publisher |
1 |
Verlag Beringer & Pampaluchi AG
publisher |
3 |
Verlag Erhard Neubert
publisher |
1 |
Verlag F. Hruby
publisher |
2 |
Verlag Flugfoto Werner Friedli, Brüttisellen
publisher |
3 |
Verlag für Traditionspflege, Kattenhorn über Radolfzell
publisher |
2 |
Verlag Manfred Huckhauf, München
publisher |
1 |
Verlag Mielck
publisher |
1 |
Vertical Mission Training GmbH http://www.vertical-mission.de |
unknown |
1 |
VFW (Vereinigte Flugtechnische Werke GmbH)
airliner |
2 |
airliner |
1 |
Vidavnictvo Svjato (Ukraina ?)
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
Vigili del Fuoco (Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco, Servizio Documentazione E Relazioni Pubbliche) http://www.vigilfuoco.it |
airliner |
3 |
VIKING DESIGN / nordicarmy.com http://www.nordicarmy.com |
publisher |
19 |
Village Ltda., Chile
publisher |
1 |
Vintage Ad Gallery Ltd. http://www.vintageadgallery.com |
publisher |
1 |
Virgil Lynch Associates
publisher |
1 |
Virginia Photo Color Cards
publisher |
3 |
Vought Helicopter Corp. - a subsidiary of Aerospatiale
airliner |
1 |
Voyager Helicopters http://www.voyagerheli.com |
airliner |
1 |
Vroom & Dreesmann
publisher |
3 |
VVŠL (Vysoká vojenská škola letectva) gen. M. R. Štefánika, Košice
airliner |
1 |
Vydavatelství Baron http://www.vydavatelstvi-baron.cz |
publisher |
1 |
Vydavatelství Ivan Rillich http://www.pidifrk.cz |
publisher |
2 |
Vydavatelství Jaroslav Hrůza, Hradec Králové, Czechia
publisher |
2 |
Vydavatelstvo Šport, Bratislava
publisher |
1 |
W. G. Batten, Edinburgh, S. Australia
publisher |
1 |
W. J. Nigh & Sons Ltd. http://www.wjnigh.co.uk |
publisher |
2 |
Wadmanns Forlag, Thisted
publisher |
3 |
publisher |
3 |
Waikola Beach Resort
publisher |
1 |
Wales Air Ambulance http://www.walesairambulance.com |
airliner |
2 |
airliner |
1 |
Walter H. Miller & Co., Inc.
publisher |
2 |
Wanaka Helicopters http://www.heliflights.co.nz |
airliner |
1 |
Washington Picturcard
publisher |
3 |
Wasserthal Helicopter Service http://www.wasserthal.com |
airliner |
1 |
Waverly Growers Cooperative
airliner |
1 |
Wayron Postcard Dist.
publisher |
1 |
WEA Suwalki
publisher |
1 |
Weber Verlag http://www.weberverlag.ch |
publisher |
115 |
publisher |
2 |
Wellensteyn Clothing Company
airliner |
1 |
Wendos Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
Werbebild-Verlag Gütersloh i. W.
publisher |
1 |
Werftlanden (?)
publisher |
1 |
Werner Teschner, Castrop-Rauxel
publisher |
1 |
Werner Wolfsfellner MedizinVerlag http://www.wolfsfellner.de |
unknown |
3 |
Wescam Rentals/Wim Robberechts & Co.
airliner |
2 |
West Coast Publishing Company http://www.wcpsouvenirs.com |
publisher |
1 |
West Country Ambulance Trust / Air Ambulance
airliner |
1 |
Western Airmotive Company, Inc.
airliner |
1 |
Western Resort Publications
publisher |
1 |
Westland Greenstone Ltd. New zealand
unknown |
1 |
Westland Ltd. / Westland Helicopters
airliner |
13 |
Westpac Helicopter Rescue Service P/L - Hunter Region
airliner |
1 |
Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter - Northern Region http://www.nrhelirescue.com.au |
airliner |
3 |
Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter - Southern Region http://www.lifesaver.org.au |
airliner |
2 |
Westpac Waikato Air Ambulance
airliner |
1 |
Whistler Heli-Skiing
unknown |
1 |
Whiteway Publications Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
Wiking Helikopter Service GmbH http://www.wiking-helikopter.de |
airliner |
10 |
Wildlife Helicopters
airliner |
1 |
Wildlife Helicopters (Botswana)
airliner |
1 |
William J. Davis, Dallas, Texas
publisher |
1 |
Wirral Postcards
publisher |
3 |
Wirtschaftsverlag NW GmbH
publisher |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Wolfgang Bräuer
publisher |
1 |
Wolfgang Chodan
publisher |
3 |
Wonday Film Services
publisher |
1 |
Wonsan Air Festival
publisher |
2 |
Woodspring Museum / Abydon Museum Shops Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
World Collectors Cards
publisher |
7 |
World Great Airlines (Czech Republic)
publisher |
1 |
World Pictures
publisher |
1 |
World Postcards Inc.
publisher |
1 |
World Wide Sales Agencies Ltd.
publisher |
1 |
Worldwide Distributors, Ltd., Honolulu, Hawaii
publisher |
1 |
Worldwide Visuals Corp.
publisher |
4 |
publisher |
8 |
WSK Swidnik
airliner |
3 |
Wucher Helicopter GmbH
airliner |
2 |
www.netprint.com http://www.netprint.com |
airliner |
1 |
www.pohlednictvi.cz http://www.pohlednictvi.cz |
publisher |
2 |
publisher |
1 |
www.print.bg http://www.print.bg |
publisher |
1 |
Wydawnictwo "Bartpress" / IPMS Polska
publisher |
2 |
Wydawnictwo "Giewont" Zakopane
publisher |
1 |
Yarbrough Companies Inc.
publisher |
2 |
YL-37 Group Inc.
airliner |
3 |
Yorkshire Air Ambulance https://www.yorkshireairambulance.org.uk |
airliner |
12 |
youngcopter http://www.youngcopter.com |
airliner |
1 |
publisher |
1 |
Yves Debay, Imp. Hemisud France
publisher |
2 |
Yves Saint Laurent Paris
publisher |
1 |
Základna vrtulníkového letectva Přerov
airliner |
2 |
Založba Jugoreklam Ljubljana
publisher |
2 |
Zazzle http://www.zazzle.com |
publisher |
1 |
Zentralvorstand der Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft Abteilung Agitation - Berlin 1968
publisher |
10 |
Zentrum Operative Information (Bundeswehr)
airliner |
2 |
Zhuhai Postal Administration Bureau (China)
publisher |
1 |
ZoCard Singapore http://www.zocard.com |
publisher |
3 |
ZZ "Metalowcy" PZL-Świdnik S.A. i ŚKK
publisher |
2 |
ZZIT "Swidnik i ŚKK"
publisher |
1 |